
The Chair's research focuses on the law of sanctions and enforcement (in particular the law on measures of reform and prevention), the law of corporate sanctions including procedural aspects and criminological foundations (white-collar crime) as well as general crime prevention law. In addition, there is a focus on law-related evaluation research.

Current projects

The scope for decision-making by the prosecutor's office - A legal-dogmatic and factual analysis of the Opportunity Principle

Contact: Lena Kolkmeyer

Opportunity cessations are not an exception to the principle of legality in criminal proceedings that is rarely used. However, the application of Sections 153 et seq. StPO are accompanied by dogmatic and factual legal questions: in particular, which criteria lead to opportunity cessations. Legal terms such as “minor guilt” and “lack of public interest” allow for a great range of interpretation.
The project approaches the legal dogmatics and factual aspects of opportunity cessations. The significance of (political) influence through orders in accordance with Sections 146 and 147 GVG and the divergent cessation practices of the federal states will also be examined in more detail. Through the dual structure of legal dogmatic and empirical analysis, the project aims to offer not only scientific value, but also a practical framework for prosecutorial decisions.

Outpatient, day-care and community-based care in forensics - needs and legal implementation options

Contact: Larissa Landwehr

In general psychiatry, in addition to placement in closed psychiatric clinics, outpatient and day-care facilities as well as community-based care have been used for a long time. In contrast, forensic psychiatry still relies on centralized placement in closed and sometimes highly secure facilities. Forensic psychiatry is coming under increasing pressure due to long lengths of stay and sometimes considerable overcrowding. This is one of the reasons why the project is exploring the possibilities of further aligning forensic care with general psychiatry. In a first step, a needs analysis will be carried out with the help of expert interviews. In a second step, the project will shed light on legal implementation options and, in particular, examine the question of whether the introduction of open and community-based treatment concepts would be compatible with the current provisions of the law on disciplinary measures or whether there is a need for legal reform.

Prevention and management of delinquency among children under the age of criminal responsibility

Contact: Christina Rueß

The project aims to examine the existing challenges and opportunities in dealing with the delinquency of children under the age of criminal responsibility and to identify any need for improvement and reform. While there are repeated calls in legal policy for the age of criminal responsibility to be lowered in this context, the project deliberately chooses a broader approach and focuses on the entire (crime prevention) care system. One focus is on the interplay between the different legal systems - such as child and youth welfare law, family law and juvenile criminal law - as well as the role of the institutions involved.

Experiences, everyday working life and safety in probation services (EbASiB). A criminological study among probation officers

Contact: Elena Schaffeld

In a decision dated 20 June 2023, the Federal Constitutional Court once again emphasized the importance of a resocialization concept based on the latest scientific findings. It must be ensured that the purposes of criminal sanctions and, in particular, the reintegration of offenders are secured with the necessary personnel and financial resources. Probation services have a central role to play here.
The survey is conducted in cooperation with the DBH Fachverband für Soziale Arbeit, Strafrecht und Kriminalpolitik e.V. (Association for Social Work, Criminal Law and Criminal Policy).

Research Group: Sports Criminology

A sports criminology research group was set up in 2024 to investigate interpersonal violence within high-performance sport. Further information