Hendrik Uken

Student assistant

Curriculum vitae

  • since 10/2023: Student assistant at the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Alexander Baur)
  • since 01/2022: Research assistant at the Assistant Professorship for Criminology, Criminal Compliance, Risk Management and Criminal Law at the University of Halle-Wittenberg (Ass.-Prof. Dr. Lucia Sommerer)
  • since 11/2024: Managing editor of the Göttinger Rechtszeitschrift (GRZ)

  • 04/2022-09/2023: Student assistant at the Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Criminology and Sociology of Law at the University of Leipzig (Prof. Dr. Katrin Höffler)
  • 04/2022-03/2023: Student assistant at the Institute for Criminal Sciences at the University of Göttingen
  • 09/2020-03/2022: Student assistant at the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Göttingen (Prof. Dr. Katrin Höffler)

  • 2025: Completion of the state part of the first state examination in law
  • since 07/2020: Scholarship holder of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation
  • since 10/2019: Studied law at the University of Göttingen

  • 2019: Abitur at the Herbartgymnasium in Oldenburg


  • Schlüssel zum Erfolg: Wie gelingt die Klausur im Strafrecht?, in: GRZ 1/2024, 43-47 (mit Tom Hendrik Becker)
  • Rechtsprechungsübersicht im Strafrecht, in: GRZ 2/2023, 83-84 (mit Tom Hendrik Becker)
  • Zur Reform der Strafbarkeit des sexuellen Missbrauchs von Schutzbefohlenen, in: GRZ 2/2022, 133-139
  • Netflix-Tipps zum Auftakt des Wirecard-Prozesses: Skandal-Doku, „King of Stonks“ – oder lieber ins Theater?, LTO, 7.12.2022 (mit Katharina Reisch)