Curriculum: University of Bogor + University of Göttingen
Option 1: Bogor Agricultural University + University Göttingen
The M.Sc. Programme is set at 120 ECTS, 90 ECTS by successfully passing 15 modules and 30 ECTS for the Master thesis and the Colloquium.

A total of 15 modules (6 ECTS each):
4 compulsory modules
5 mandatory modules (among these, at least one methodological module)
6 elective modules
At the Bogor Agricultural University students have to take at least 9 modules:
4 mandatory
5 elective modules
At the University of Göttingen students have to take at least 6 modules:
4 compulsory modules
1 mandatory modules (among these, at least one methodological module)
1 elective modules
1. Semester in Bogor (September to January)
Scientific English (levelling course)
EKO500 Mathematical Economics (M)
AGB501 Agribusiness System and Enterprise (M)
AGB521 Marketing and Supply Chain of Agribusiness Products (M)
AGB612 Risk Management in Agribusiness (M)
AGB512 Managerial Economics (E)
AGB514 Business Negotiation and Advocation (E)
AGB 611 Agribusiness Corporate Strategy (E)
AGB 621Agribusiness Policy (E)
AGB 622 Global Agribusiness (E)
AGB 623 Business Law and Ethics (E)
2. Semester in Bogor (February - June)
AGB502 Quantitative Methods for Agribusiness (M)
AGB513 Agribusiness Industrial Structure (M)
AGB522 Agribusiness Financing (M)
AGB511 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E)
AGB515 Macroeconomics for Business (E)
AGB601 Research Methods for Business (E)
3. Semester in Göttingen (October - February)
M.SIA.E08M Econometrics I (C)
M.SIA.E11 Socioeconomics of rural Development and food security (C)
M.SIA.I12 Sustainable international agriculture (C)
4. Semester in Göttingen (March - August)
M.SIA.E01 World Agricultural Markets (C)
C = Compulsory Module
M= Mandatory Module
E = Elective Module