MA Thesis Supervisions (Selection)

(Selection of some 150 MA theses supervised)

  • Suvanshkriti Singh, Life in Translation: Literary Perspectives Towards a Philosophy of Migrant Citizenship (GOE/OL)

  • Alexandra Gourgioti, Presenting Migration: How Does the Friedland Museum Utilize Various Theoretical Tools to Present Migration through Its Permanent Exhibition? (GOE/GR)

  • Laura Jager, Brexit and the EU: Ireland, the UK and their Border - The Irish Border as a Case-Study of EU-UK Relations (UD/GOE)

  • Eliisa Ellen, Contextualizing Estonia’s Russia Policy Amidst the Ukrainian Crises (GOE/STR)

  • Franziska Hertel, European Education – the Key to Raising European Citizens? Chances and Challenges of Political Education in German Secondary Schools (GOE/UP)

  • Thao Do, Shaping European Identity through the EU’s Security Discourse (UP/GOE)

  • Johanna Freistedt, Rape in Armed Conflict – How Sexual Violence against Women under Emergency Rule Reveals Persisting Hegemonial Masculinity in the Global North Using the Examples of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine since 2022 (GOE/STR)

  • Jinzi Hu, The Changes in EU Autonomous Competence in Defence: the Pragmatic Perspective in the Russia-Ukraine Geopolitical Context (GOE/GR)

  • Julia Karoline Meyer, Onwards and ...Eastwards? EU-Azerbaijan Relations as an Example of Crisis-driven Agenda Setting within the Framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (GE/GOE)

  • Ane Anduaga Larrea, "Azken hatsa huela, bertsorik sakonena". The Power of Basque Music to Transform Basque Identity (GOE/KR)

  • Sicong Zou, Engaging in Civic Participation in the Twin Crises from Homeland and Host Land An Empirical Study of Germany‘s First-generation Chinese Immigrant Civic Organizations after the COVID-19 Pandemic (GOE/KR)

  • Laura Antón Montero, Influencing EU Policy Making Processes: Unpacking the Impact and Challenges of Feminist Transnational Grassroots Organizations and Networks in their Advocacy within the European Parliament (STR/GOE)

  • Alba Calderón Castro, Cultural Heritage Misplacement in Francoist Spain: A Pending Democratic and Social Issue through the Pazo de Meirás Case Study (GOE/OL)

  • Constance Verger, Penal Populism and Social Media Coverage: the Impact of French Twitter's New Unofficial Journalistic Media Accounts on Prisoners Rights in France (STR/GOE)

  • Alfred Häger, "Ukrainian Peace Facility" Updating the EU's Security and Defence Toolkit (UP/GOE)

  • Sophie Renhuldt, Giorgia Meloni: between post-fascism, post-feminism, and Italian pop politics (UD/GOE)

  • Amparo Gómez Castro, Combating the Disinformation in Europe: Case Study of the Spanish “War Against Disinformation” (GOE/GR)

  • Elisabetta Marzoli, The struggle of being a young person in Italy: how the young Italians are supported in order to start a new life outside of the family house (GOE/KR)

  • Terence Chan, Intentions and Perceptions of Immigration Policies: Investigating the new BN(O) Visa Scheme in a Neo-colonial Context and the Hong Kong Migrants in the UK (STR/GOE)

  • Ivo Trifonov, EU and Chinese engagements in Africa: Economic and political neo-colonialism in the 21st century? Case study of the Democratic Republic of Congo (GR/GOE)

  • Katarina Jarc, Participation of civil society in the field of culture: The 2025 European Capital of Culture initiative – GO! BORDERLESS (GR/GOE)

  • Ann-Kristin Müller, Advocating for a socially just transition in EU climate policy: A case study on Austrian and German trade unions’ participation in the policy-making of the Fit for 55 package (GOE/DE)

  • Hui-Yu Weng, NGOs as Facilitators for the Integration of Foreigners in the Czech Republic. A Case Study of Center for Integration of Foreigners (Centrum pro integraci cizinců) (OL/GOE)

  • Reiner Duvenage, Habermas on Europe: Transnational Perspectives (GOE/KR)

  • Ching-Chieh Su, Culture under COVID-19: A Study on Governments’ Cultural Subsidy in Germany and Taiwan (GOE/STR)

  • Hannah Rittmeyer, Fostering Gender Equality in the Context of EU Accession: A Comparative Case Study Analysis of Poland and Estonia (GOE/GR)

  • Hannah Bieber, The impossible homecoming? A Study of the Evolution of the French Government’s Discourses on French ISIS returnees between 2017 and 2020 (UP/GOE)

  • Kathleen Trencheny, Strategic partnerships and strategies of European and U.S. disinformation defense teams (GOE/STR)

  • Rhys Nugent, Youth participation in EU decision-making: meaningful participation? (GOE/DE)

  • Ismail EI Mouttaki, Public Identities of Maghrebi Migrant Workers and their Descendants in Post-colonial France (1970-2005) (GOE/GR)

  • Jelmer Herms, The Controversial Task of Saving the Planet: Resistance to Climate Change as an Everyday Political Reality by European Right-Wing Populists Explained (GR/GOE)

  • Augustine Wattez, Reporting the Syrian War: how are traditional news media adapting in time of “Social media war”? (GR/GOE)

  • Nora Slob, Treatment of LGBT+ Asylum seekers Across the EU (GOE/STR)

  • Auliannisa Hermawan, Migration Policy in Finland 2016. More Open Border or Closed? (UD/GOE)

  • Gianluca Michieletto, The Dark Side of Tourism: The Effects of Mass Tourism in the City of Venice (GOE/DE)

  • Jonas Begemann, European External Border Management and its Narratives. Aspects of Dominance and Neocolonialism in European Foreign Policy during the “Refugee Crisis” (GOE/UP)

  • Irene Alonso Toucido, Barcelona’s spaces of change. Citizen participation and its relationship with the urban space (GR/GOE)

  • Isabel Toman, All about Soft Power? German Foreign Cultural Policy in Mexico (GOE/DE)

  • Anna Krämer, Towards military cooperation with the former enemy. Developments in Dutch foreign and defense policy aiming at positive integration of West Germany along the NATO forward defense line, 1945-1963 (GR/GOE)

  • Giulio Baroni, European Organic Regulation. Influence of the EU Organic Regulation in the Indian Organic Market and Production. The Case of Pune (STR/GOE)

  • Ines Mergler, Making Sense of the Migration-Fear Nexus: Culture of Fear and its Consequences for Political Discourse. A Political Critical Discourse Analysis of Hart aber fair in the German Migration Debate (2013-2017) (GOE/UP)

  • Alexander Pitts, Influence and Connectivity: The Relationship between Media, Citizens and Right-Wing Populism in Europe (GOE/GR)

  • Wenhui Song, "Schaffen Wir Das" – A Framing Analysis of the German "Refugee Crisis" 2015-17 (GR/GOE)

  • Jiraphan Homchit, The Point of No Return: Separatists’ Identity Politics Explained (GOE/STR)

  • Inge Mationschek, A Change in Climate? Reviewing the EU-India Strategic Partnership through Clean Energy and Climate Change (GR/GOE)

  • Mathilde Boisse-Despiaux, “Old” and “new” minorities in Europe: A comparison of two rights regimes (UP/GOE)

  • Arnab Dutta, The borders and the boundaries in the land of the quasi-masters: Continental Europe as seen through Bangla travel narratives, 1919-50 (GOE/GR) -- ALBA Award 2018

  • Jonathan Slagter, ‘Crisis’ as a Producer of Meaning: German Citizenship in the Context of the ‘European Migration Crisis’ (GOE/DE)

  • Răzvan Ioan Dumitru, Cinematic Representations of Colonial Binaries in British India During the 1930s (STR/GOE)

  • Marine Boulard, The Refugee Crisis and the 'Droitisation' of Politics (STR/GOE)

  • Jesse van Amelsvoort, Houses of the Past. The Contemporary Gothic Novel and the Space of Citizenship (GOE/GR) -- ALBA Award 2017

  • Mari Tsugawa, Re-imagining citizenship in a post-national world through the eyes of Japanese immigrants in the Netherlands (GOE/GR)

  • Wester Wagenaar, Challenging cultural identities. Between new forms of tourism and old European cities (UP/GOE)

  • Caitlin Boulter, Unheard Voices. Representation of Roma in Swedish and German Media Discourse (UP/GOE)

  • Franziska Brinkmann, Inclusive or inconsiderate? A field research on international degree programs at the University of Göttingen (GOE/KR)

  • Huimin Li, Compartmentalizing the Environment: Constructing and Overcoming 'Borders' in Polluting Industries (GOE/GR)

  • Jamina Vesta Jugo, Reel Immigrants on Fleet Street: Constructions of Immigrants in British Newspaper Reviews and Coverage of Recent Films Regarding Immigrants in Conflict with the Law (GOE/GR)

  • Maaike Goslinga, Framing 'The Snowden Files': A Discourse Analysis of UK News Media Coverage on Edward Snowden's Mass Surveillance Revelations (GOE/DE)

  • Yi-Chun Chen, Wir Waren So Frei? A Comparative Study of East and West Germans' Perspectives On the Transition Period of 1989/1990 (GOE/GR)

  • Eunjin Jeong, Political Integration of First Generation Immigrants: The Case of Postnational Members in Soysal''s Typology of Membership Model (GOE/STR)

  • Heather Southwood, The Conditional Tolerance of the Muslim Minority in Light of the Standards of the European Convention of Human Rights (GOE/KR)

  • Lora Markova, On the sepresentation of Transculturality in European Visual Media, Mapping Transcultural ldentities in European Artistic Expressions and Reconceptualizing Transculturality as the Creative Practice of Sampling Cultures (DE/GOE) -- ALBA Award 2012

  • Justus Römeth, Euroclash and Rock and Roll. Empirical Research on Fligstein's theory on Europeanness (KR/GOE)

  • Misuzu Matsuyama, Culture and Identity in the European Context (GOE/KR)

  • Zorana Kataranovski, Mile against transition: Persona non grata or a Serb par excellence? Old malaises and new challenges of the Serbs in the process of transition (GR/GOE)

  • Jannika Kühn, Discourses of European Responsible Tourism Management. Analyzing Tour Operators' Perceptions (GOE/GR)

  • Pia Schneider, Promoting 'Unity in Diversity': Foreign Cultural Policies of the EU and lndia (GOE/UP)

  • Vanessa Stoehr, Multi-scale Identities in a Transcultural Space: a Case-Study on the Influence of the European Environment on Identity-Building in Alsace (STR/GOE)

  • Kiril Zekin, The Transition of the Balkans into Southeastern Europe (GR/GOE)

  • IIke Fidan, How "Different" is European Power? A Test of Civllian and Soft Power Concepts in European Foreign Policy Using the Example of the Democratic Republic of Congo (GOE/GR)

  • Ioana-Alexandra Schiau, Post-Communist Consumer/Popular Culture in Romania. The Eternal Transition and its Cultural Effects (GOE/KR)

  • Gabriela Huk, Art in the Service of the Nation? Polish Contemporary Art and Nationalism (UP/GOE)

  • Kataryna Kawalek, European Union as a Normative Power in Sub-Saharan Africa. Between Expectations and Reality (KR/GOE)

  • Felix Lorenzen, Restricting South-North Movement. A Comparative Analysis of Regional Cooperation Efforts of the European Union and the United States (GOE/UP)

  • Simone Klee, What is 'European Culture'? A Discussion on the Construction and Understanding of the Concept in EU Official Discourse (GOE/UP)

  • Claudia Rehrs, The 'Shame of a Continent'. Stereotypes of the Roma and of Eastern Europe in the Western European Press prior to the EU Enlargement of 2004 (GOE/OL)

  • Emilie Dauphin, From the 'Baby-Boom Generation' to the 'Generation 1000 EURO'. A Comparison of Western European Student Movements 1968/2008 (GOE/UP)

  • Evelien A. A. Kingma, The European Union at the Human Rights Council. The Unity and Effectiveness of the Member States of the European Union (GR/GOE)

  • Thomas Bemmann, France and the German Reunification. Concealed Antagonism or Deliberate Acceptance? (GOE/GR)

  • Vera Podbornaya, The European Union and the Question of Democracy (GR/GOE)