RTG Events

Upcoming Seminars

RTG Research Colloquia

  • 24/03/2025 - Speaker: Oyinlola Oyebode, Queen Mary University of London.
    Title: “The use of eco-labels and price discounts to promote more sustainable online grocery purchases in the UK: a randomised controlled trial” (Download Abstract)

  • 27/05/2025 - Speaker: Goedele Van den Broeck, University of Louvain.
    Title: TBD

  • 02/06/2025 - Speaker: Maximo Torero, FAO.
    Title: TBD

  • 21/08/2025 - Speaker: Jessica Fanzo, Columbia Climate School.
    Title: TBD

  • Female Career Talks

  • 13/05/2025 - Speaker: Nadja El Benni, Agroscope.

  • 28/05/2025 - Speaker: Goedele Van den Broeck, University of Louvain.

  • 01/07/2025 - Speaker: Eva-Marie Meemken, ETH Zürich.

  • 21/08/2025 - Speaker: Jessica Fanzo, Columbia Climate School.

  • Past Events

  • 28/02/2025 - Speaker: Carola Grebitus, Arizona State University.
    Title: "Strategies for Reducing Food Waste Along the Value Chain – The Case of Imperfect Produce” (Download Abstract)
  • Research Colloqium, Female Career Talk

  • 13/01/2025 - Speaker: Marco Springmann, University of Oxford.
    Title: "A multicriteria analysis of meat and milk alternatives from nutritional, health, environmental, and cost perspectives" (Download Abstract)
    Research Colloqium

  • 15-17/09/2024 - RTG Sustainable Food Systems Symposium

  • 16/07/2024 - Speaker: Manuel Santos Silva, FU Berlin.
    Alumni Career Talk

  • 26/06/2024 - Speaker: Robert Finger, ETH Zürich.
    Informal Talk

  • 25/06/2024 - Speaker: Michael Carter, UC Davis.
    Title: “On the Definition and Estimation of Economic Resilience using Counterfactuals”
    Research Colloquium, 1:1 Meetings

  • 10/06/2024 - Speaker: Esther Gerke, Wageningen University.
    Alumni Career Talk

  • 24/04/2024 - Speaker: Jessie Lin, US Department of Agriculture.
    Alumni Career Talk

  • 22-23/02/2024 - Speaker: Devesh Roy, IFPRI, Washington DC, US.
    Title: “Undoing of a regulation for groundwater preservation in India: An evaluation using Synthetic difference in difference approach”
    Research Colloquium, 1:1 Meetings

  • 22/01/2024 - Speaker: Kristin Kiesel, Associate Professor of Teaching at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis, US.
    Title: “Reference-Dependent Purchases and Experience-Driven Belief Updating: Can Food Safety Labels Make a Difference?”
    Research Colloquium, Female Career Talk, 1:1 Meetings

  • 07/12/2023 - Speaker: Rachael Garrett, Moran Professor of Conservation and Development, University of Cambridge, UK
    Title: “From zero-deforestation policies to bioeconomic value chains in the tropics”
    Research Colloquium

  • 06/12/2023 - Speaker: Kai Kajisa, Professor, Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University, Japan.
    Title: “Paddy Cultivation as an Origin of Cooperative Norms: Evidence from Natural and Lab-in-the-Field Experiments”
    Research Colloquium

  • 27/11/2023 - Speaker: Salvatore di Falco, Full Professor, Institute of Economics and Econometrics, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
    Title: “Conservation Agriculture and Land Productivity”
    Research Colloquium, 1:1 Meetings

  • 16/08/2023 - Speaker: Lauren Chenarides, Assistant Professor at W.P. Carey Morrison School of Agribusiness – Arizona State University.
    Title: “Using scanner data to answer food policy questions”
    Research Colloquium, Female Career Talk

  • 14/07/2023 - Speaker: Shenggen Fan, Current Chair Professor at the College of Economics and Management at China Agricultural University in Beijing, Director General of IFPRI between 2009 and 2019.
    Informal Talk

  • 10/07/2023 - Speaker: Joanna van Asselt, Associate Research Fellow, IFPRI, Washington DC, US.
    Female Career Talk, 1:1 Meetings

  • 19/06/2023 - Speaker: Jenny Aker, Professor of Development Economics at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Department of Economics at Tufts University, U.S.
    Title: “It’s All Fun and Games? WTP Experiments for Longer-Term Impacts”
    Research Colloquium

  • 14/02/2023 - Speaker: Marco Springmann, Senior Researcher, Oxford University, UK.
    Title: “The health, environmental, and economic impacts of dietary changes towards sustainable diets”
    Research Colloquium, Informal Meeting

  • 08/02/2023 - Speaker: Joachim von Braun, Professor Emeritus, former director of ZEF, University of Bonn, Germany and former Director General of IFPRI, Washington DC, US.
    Informal Meeting

  • 04/10/2022 - Speaker: Goedele van den Broeck, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Food Policy, University of Louvain, Belgium.
    Title: "How to ensure affordable and safe vegetables in urban food systems?"
    Research Colloquium, Female Career Talk

  • 04/10/2022 - Speaker: Eva-Marie Meemken, Professor of Food Systems Economics and Policy, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.
    Title: "Labor in Food Systems"
    Research Colloquium

  • 19/09/2022 - Speaker: Peter Verburg, Professor of Environmental Spatial Analysis, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
    1:1 Meetings

  • 14/09/2022 - Speaker: William Masters, Professor of Food Economics, Tufts University, US.
    Title: "Food prices for nutrition: What new data and methods reveal about access to a healthy diet worldwide"
    Research Colloquium, 1:1 Meetings

  • 07/09/2022 - Speaker: Lindsay Jaacks, Professor of Global Health and Nutrition, Edinburgh University, UK.
    Title: "Eco-labels: More hype than substance?"
    Research Colloquium, Informal Meeting

  • 06/09/2022 - Speaker: Silke Hüttel, Professor of Agriculture and Food Business Management, University of Göttingen, Germany.
    Title: "Towards climate‐smart agriculture – some thoughts from the farm and farmers‘ perspective"
    Research Colloquium

  • 15/02/2022 - Speaker: Miet Maertens, Professor of Bioeconomics, KU Leuven, Belgium.
    Title: "Private sustainability standards and their economic, social and environmental implications."
    Research Colloquium

  • 14/02/2022 - Speaker: Rob Vos, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI, Washington DC, US.
    Title: "Feeding the Planet Sustainably: Challenges and Solutions."
    Research Colloquium