In publica commoda

Course evaluation by students

Course evaluations by students have become an established part of quality assurance in teaching and learning. Students from all twelve faculties (with the exclusion of UMC) and ZESS offer personal feedback on the quality of their courses via a centrally coordinated procedure.
The faculties are responsible for choosing which courses are subject to obligatory evaluation. Requests for amendments from teaching staff are arranged with the Office of the Dean of Studies responsible for that faculty. In urgent cases (whether for time or organisational reasons), teaching staff can use the Questionnaire order form.
Teaching staff receive the results promptly in order to be able to have feedback discussions (PDF, German) with the students. Once the survey phase has been completed, the Offices of the Deans of Studies receive aggregated reports.

Video in English with translation in International Sign

Captions can be enabled by pressing the CC button on the right bottom corner.

Video in English with audio description

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Student and Academic Servives
Quality Management

Team course evaluation
Wilhelmsplatz 2
D-37073 Göttingen

Anke Klingebiel
Tel.: +49 (0)551/39-29915


Homepage zum Quality Management

map of the area (Google Maps)