Ideas Competition for Students 2020:
»Prospective Studying«
The University of Goettingen honours students' ideas
The Ideas Competition for Students 2020 was held under the motto "Prospective Studying!". Students showed a great interest in the competition during the pandemic digital semester.
172 proposals were entered, seven of them were awarded with cash and non-cash prizes.
The virtual Award Ceremony with invited guests took place on February 25, 2021.

Valerie Havemann and Felix Schelle are missing on the picture.
Foto: Göttingen University
The Jury decided in favour of the following submissions:
1st Prize (1.000 Euro)
for Jan Steyer
„Students design e-learning - Establishment of an annual student competition to create ILIAS learning modules for students in the Faculty of Arts“
Students should contribute their own experiences and ideas on digital learning when creating self-learning modules and expand their competences in the field of digitalization.
More... see abstract (PDF, available only in German)
2nd Prize (750 Euro)
for Lorenz Glißmann
„Accessible Lecture Recording / Automatic Video Subtitling“
Automatic captioning of all lecture recordings will improve accessibility and help all students to a better learning experience.
More... see abstract (PDF, available only in German)
3rd Prize (500 Euro)
for Pia Knostmann
„ Crash Course for Students: Personal appearance and communication in online events“
A crash course in small groups is designed to reduce insecurities in digital (teaching) events and make participants more competent and courageous.
More... see abstract (PDF, available only in German)
In addition four non-cash prizes were awarded to:
Lennart Adamczyk for „Gamification in university teaching “
Valerie Havemann and Felix Schelle für „Online platform on racism at universities for students with experience of racism and multipliers of anti-discrimination work at universities - digital and inter-university“
Mike David Schulze for „Digital 3D-Database for geological outcrops“
Albert Lehr for „User-optimised Stud.IP““