Urban Lab: Migration Moves Göttingen (03/2019 - 03/2020)
For the current Urban Lab "Paths to the colonial-critical city" please click here.
The "Urban Lab: Migration Moves Göttingen" focused on how local authorities and local initiatives have shaped and continue to shape migration, welcome and inclusion locally in Göttingen but also in Germany and Europe.
Researchers from the Centre for Global Migration Studies (CeMig) at Göttingen Campus and cultural practitioners from the boat people projekt, the Museum Friedland and the Literarisches Zentrum Göttingen e.V. have initiated this series of events in order to objectify the public-political debate that predominantly views migration as a problem. The aim was a scientifically founded dialogue that is empirically grounded on the basis of the experiences of civil society initiatives and artistically translated. It highlighted local experiences and resources in a solution-oriented manner.
From June to November 2019 (extended until Februar 2020), a former pharmacy at Schildweg 1 served as a venue for events, where research results on municipal migration policy has been be transferred to the city in various formats and, conversely, practical experiences from cities have been transferred into research. The "Urban Lab" was a meeting place for science, art and the public. It was a starting point for focusing on immigration and integration processes in Göttingen in a participatory and practice-oriented way.
Click here for the final report (in German) "What makes a city for everyone? Impulses and recommendations for a solidarity-based Göttingen"

A collaboration by:

Funded within the initiative "Niedersächsisches Vorab" of the Volkswagen Foundation