Travel Stipends

Reimbursement form

We are very pleased to inform that we can offer a few travel stipends of up to 1,500 EUR.

The travel stipend can only be used to cover travel expenses to and from the Symposium (e.g. flight, train), accommodation expenses during the Symposium (e.g. hotel) and/or the 50 EUR participation fee. All other costs (e.g. food/drinks, poster printing etc.) are at your own expense.

Travel stipends will only be given to early-career researchers (PhD students or those who have finished their PhD in the last 12 months) with primary affiliation at Universities or research institutes from low- and lower-middle-income countries (World Bank classification), who are accepted to present a poster/paper at the Sustainable Food Systems Symposium.

In order to be considered, interested candidates must send an application as a single pdf file to, comprising:

– Cover letter, outlining how attending the conference would improve your career (max. 500 words)
– Academic CV
– Contact details of two referees
– Estimated budget plans, including the availability of own or institutional funds

The deadline for submitting an application for travel stipends is April 26, 2024.

Please notice that travel stipends cannot be awarded in advance, but will be reimbursed shortly after the Symposium. In addition, selected candidates will be responsible for their own travel and hotel arrangements.