Prof. Dr. Gabriele Rosenthal
University of Göttingen
Institute of Methods and Methodological Principles in the Social Sciences
- Interpretative Research -
Goßlerstraße 19
37073 Göttingen
Rosenthal, Gabriele (2024): Erlebte und erzählte Lebensgeschichte. Gestalt und Struktur biographischer Selbstbeschreibungen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.

This volume is available at Campus Verlag
Rosenthal, Gabriele (2024): Experienced Life and Narrated Life Story. Gestalt and Structure of Biographical Self-Presentations.

This volume is available at Campus Verlag
Rosenthal, Gabriele (Ed.)(2022) Transnational Biographies: Changing We-images, Collective Belongings and Power Chances of Migrants and Refugees. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press. (Göttingen Series in Sociological Biographical Research)

The volume is also available as a free download
Rosenthal, Gabriele/Witte, Nicole (Hrsg.)(2021): Diagnose Entwicklungsstörung. Familiengeschichte – Familiendynamik – Professionelles Hilfesystem. Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

The volume is also available as a free download
Bogner, Artur/Rosenthal, Gabriele (2019): Child Soldiers in Context. Biographies, Familial and Collective Trajectories in Northern Uganda. Göttingen: Göttingen University Press.

The volume is also available as a free download
New Release: Rosenthal, Gabriele (2018): Interpretive Social Research. An Introduction. Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

The volume is also available as a free download
Rosenthal, Gabriele (Hrsg.)(2018): Established and Outsiders at the Same Time. Self-Images and We-Images of Palestinians in the West Bank and in Israel. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

The volume is also available as a free download
New Release: Bogner, Artur/Rosenthal, Gabriele (2018): KindersoldatInnen im Kontext. Biographien, familien- und kollektivgeschichtliche Verläufe in Norduganda. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

The book is also available as a free download