liveSciences³ Presentations and publications
Educational Resources developed within the liveSciences³ project are available as Open Educational Resources (OER) at the OER portal of Lower Saxony Twillo.
More liveSciences³ videos, including student-generated-content, is published at the liveSciences³ playlist at the YouTube channel of the University of Göttingen.
Further liveSciences³ content can be found on social media; please find us on Instagram and find us on Twitter.
Presentations and other contributions
Erasmus+ Bologna.hub Online-Seminar on Recognition and digitalisation in Europe: What steps to take for higher education institutions? (14.12.2022, Online)
- Digital workflows for recognition in practice. Example from the University of Göttingen (Presentation; Wolfgang Radenbach und Anne Sennhenn)
- What is next for digital recognition in Europe? Different perspectives on challenges and solutions. (Panel Discussion; Wolfgang Radenbach, Anne Sennhenn, et al.)
DAAD Moving Target Conference Increasing the Impact of Internationalisation in Higher Education (30.11. – 02.12.2022, Berlin)
- Leading students into international virtual exchange (Panel discussion as joint contribution of all IMKD project universities)
- PIM is now live - Experiences gained from several months of productive use of PIM at the University of Göttingen (Presentation with live Demo; Janina Hantke und Anne Sennhenn)
Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Chilenas, Comisión de Internacionalización (24.11.2022, Temuco, Chile)
- Facilitating international student mobility with digital services with focus on EMREX as the user centered solution for electronic transfer of student achievement data (Presentation; Bettina Bube, Nils Gehrke und Anne Sennhenn)
- Please find more information about the presentation at the EMREX Newsletter
ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Conference (16. – 18.11.2022, Göttingen & online)
2 liveSciences³ contributions for the ENLIGHT Teaching & Learning Conference:
- Students as partners: Why does student generated content matter? (Workshop; Felix Pfeiffer, Chahira Nouira, et al.)
- The application of self-learning material to enhance inclusiveness and accessibility (Presentation; Florian Goedecke)
HRK MODUS Conference
Recognition of prior learning: quality criteria for practice (31.05. – 01.06.2022, Berlin)
- The digital recognition process (Presentation with live Demo; Janina Hantke, Anne Sennhenn und Gerald Lach)
- The digital recognition process (Poster; Janina Hantke, Anne Sennhenn und Gerald Lach)
EUNIS 2022 Anual Congress Good for all in the Digital World (01. – 03.06.2022, Göttingen)
- Digitization of (Higher) Education Processes: Innovations, Security and Standards (Presentation; Wolfgang Radenbach et al.)
- Extension of the ELMO format (Pre-Conference Workshop; Wolfganag Radenbach et al.)
HRK and DAAD Conference German-Latin American University Cooperation in Challenging Times – Status Quo and Perspectives (07.12.2021, online)
- Discussion about the complex political and economic framework conditions in Latin America
- Chances and perspectives of the German-Latin American university cooperation
- Digitization and sustainability as common challenges of university cooperation with Latin America (Input, Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel)
HRK MODUS Conference Enhancing student mobility across educational boundaries through recognition (25.11.2021 – 26.11.2021, online)
- Platform for Inter*national Student Mobility (PIM) – From Project to Product (Presentation; Janina Hantke, Gerald Lach, Nina Wagenknecht, Wolfgang Radenbach)
- Presentation: Recognition and crediting digital
- Discussions, workshops and panels about the challenges and opportunities of fair, transparent and quality-assured procedures for the recognition of competences and qualifications at universities.
EMREX Workshop at the University of Göttingen (23.11. – 24.11.2021, Göttingen)
- Usage of ELMO to transport recognition (Input; Bettina Bube)
HFD University Future Festival (02.11.2021 – 04.11.2021, Berlin & online)
- Chances to break down barriers for student mobility through enhanced digital services (Presentation with live demo; Nina Wagenknecht, Wolfgang Radenbach und Anne Sennhenn)
University of Göttingen IVAC festival Change of Perspective (23.08. – 03.09.2021, Göttingen & online)
- Rethinking Digital Field Trips (Lunch& Lecture withliveSciences³)
E-Learning Conference 2021 Teach Online – Study Abroad at the FH Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (06.05.2021, Online)
- International Student Mobility – Access & Interoperability in Theory and Practice (Presentation; Anne Sennhenn, Wolfgang Radenbach and Ramona-Denisa Steiper)
- DAAD – Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e. V.: Recognition and digitalisation in Europe: What steps to take for higher education institutions?, bologna hub.
- Reiffenrath T., Sennhenn A., Nouira C.: Colouring the student international journey in the digital era – A German perspective, ACA Think Piece.
- Radenbach W., Strack H., Gollnick M., Karius S., Lips M., Wefel S., Altschaffel R., Bacharach G., Gottlieb M., Pongratz H. and Waßmann A.: Digitization of (Higher) Education Processes: Innovations, Security and Standards, The 28th International Congress of European University Information Systems.
- Aldaghamin A., …, Sennhenn A., Digitalisierung und Internationalisierung in der Hochschulbildung; In: DELFI 2021 - 19. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der GI (ISBN 978-3-946757-03-0) Hochschule Ruhr West, Deutschland.
- Radenbach W., Progress on Digitization of Higher Education Processes towards Standards EU & DE, Eunis 2021.
Prof. Dr. Hiltraud Casper-Hehne
Head of project
Dr. Anne Sennhenn
Project Coordinator
Von-Siebold-Straße 2
Room 1.101
37075 Göttingen
Telefon: +49 (0)551 39 21294
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