The Institut für Astrophysik offers public guided tours with the opportunity to observe through the 50 cm reflecting telescope at fixed dates. During the tours the equipment of the institute for research and education will be presented. If the sky is clear fascinating celestrial objects (e.g. moon, planets, gas nebula, star clusters, galaxies) will be shown through the telescope. In addition, a half hour presentation of a topic on current astronomical research will be given.

Dates and topics of previous public guided tours:

  • Monday, 03 February 2025, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Know your neighbors: Massenbestimmung Erd-ähnlicher Planeten in der Sonnenumgebung (Dreizler)
  • Wednesday, 08 January 2025, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Teleskope – Fenster zum Universum (Nicklas)
  • Thursday, 05 December 2024, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: The search for dark matter (Wang) - Vortrag in englischer Sprache
  • Monday, 11 November 2024, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Astronomy, aliens and the hunt for other Earths (Goodsall) - talk will be given in English
  • Sunday, 20 October 2024, 14:00 and 16:00 hours (Day of open collections)
    Von der Stadtmauer zum Nordcampus – Göttinger Astronomie im Wandel der Zeit
    Guided tours of the historical astrophysics collection (in German)
    max. 15 persons per tour, registration under
  • Saturday, 19 October 2024, 19:00 hours (Astronomy day/ Lange Nacht der Astronomie)
    Observing targets: Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, Saturn
    in parallel: Live-Stream of Stiftung Planetarium Berlin (Live observations of Comet C/2023 A3, short contributions in German on star formation, black holes, radio astronomy and exoplanets)
    beforehand (14:00-19:00 hours): Public lectures and planetarium shows at the MPI for Solar System Research
  • Monday, 16 September 2024, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Worlds Beyond Planets: The Hunt for Exomoons (Talk in English, Bayraktar)
  • Thursday, 08 August 2024, 18:30 hours
    Observing targets: Sun, Moon
    Topic of the presentation: Unser Universum und wir - Meilensteine auf dem Weg zum modernen Weltbild (Reinsch)
  • Monday 15 July 2024, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Sun, Moon
    Topic of the presentation: Die Sonne - der Stern, von dem wir leben (Reinsch)
  • Friday, 14 June 2024, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Unser Blick ins Universum: Was wir vom Sternenlicht lernen (Ellwarth)
  • Wednesday, 15 May 2024, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: T Coronae Borealis - Sehen wir demnächst einen neuen Stern am Himmel? (Reinsch)
  • Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter
    Topic of the presentation: Von den Monddistanzen bis zur Vermessung des Universums - Göttinger Astronomie im Wandel der Zeit (Reinsch)
  • Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Exoplaneten-Atmosphären: Von regnenden Rubinen bis zur Suche nach Leben (Lesjak)
  • Monday, 19 February 2024, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Spektroskopie in der Astronomie: Einblicke am Beispiel des MORISOT Spektrografen (Meerwart)
  • Wednesday, 17 January 2024, 18:00 hours (cancelled, bad weather)
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Von den Monddistanzen bis zur Vermessung des Universums - Göttinger Astronomie im Wandel der Zeit (Reinsch)
    afterwards visit of the historical collection at the institute
  • Wednesday, 20 December 2023, 18:00 hours (cancelled, bad weather)
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Exoplaneten-Atmosphären: Von regnenden Rubinen bis zur Suche nach Leben (Lesjak)
  • Thursday, 23 November 2023, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Aus dem Leben der Sterne (Reinsch)
  • Saturday, 28 October 2023, 20:00 and 21:00 hours (Astronomy day)
    Observing targets: Saturn, Jupiter, Moon (partial lunar eclipse)
    beforehand (15:00-20:00 h): Public lectures and planetarium shows at the MPI for Solar System Research
  • Monday, 25 September 2023, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: (Exo-)Planetenjäger - Auf der Spur der unsichtbaren Welten außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems (Pleteit)
  • Monday, 28 August 2023, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Aktive Galaxien - Leuchttürme des Universums (Ochmann)
  • Tuesday, 25 July 2023, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Venus
    Topic of the presentation: Unser Universum und wir - Meilensteine auf dem Weg zum modernen Weltbild (Reinsch)
  • Friday, 23 June 2023, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus
    Topic of the presentation: ‘Exo‘, wie exotisch? - die bunte Welt der Exoplaneten (Timmermann)
  • Thursday, 25 May 2023, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus
    Topic of the presentation: Exoplaneten-Atmosphären: Von regnenden Rubinen bis zur Suche nach Leben (Lesjak)
  • Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus
    Topic of the presentation: Die Sonne - einem Stern ganz nah (Ellwarth)
  • Monday, 27 March 2023, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: Spektroskopie in der Astronomie: Einblicke am Beispiel des MORISOT Spektrografen (Meerwart)
  • Tuesday, 28 February 2023, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: Planetensuche durch direkte Beobachtung: Schnappschüsse mit Sehhilfe (Ruh)
  • Thursday, 26 January 2023, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: Die Hubble-Konstante und die Expansion des Alls (Siebert)
  • Monday, 05 December 2022, 17:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus
    Topic of the presentation: Kleine Exoplaneten - Die Vielfalt anderer Welten und wie man sie beobachtet (Hartogh)
  • Thursday, 03 November 2022, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Planetenentstehung: Die Entwicklung vom Staubkorn zum Gasriesen (Müller-Horn)
  • Tuesday, 25 October 2022, 10:15-13:15 hours
    10:15 h Public lecture: Wie entsteht eine Sonnenfinsternis? (Prof. Dr. Hardi Peter, MPS)
    Location: Auditorium MPS, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, 37077 Göttingen
    from 11:00 h Observing targets: partial solar eclipse
    Location: Solar telescopes on the observing platform of the Institute for Astrophysics and Geophysics
  • Saturday, 01 October 2022, 19:00 hours (astronomy day)
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, Jupiter
    beforehand (14:00-19:00 h): Public lectures and planetarium shows at the MPI for Solar System Research
  • Monday, 05 September 2022, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, binary stars, gas nebulae
    Topic of the presentation: Galaxien Schwarze Löcher und so (Probst)
  • Saturday, 09 July 2022, 17:00-24:00 hours (5. Nacht des Wissens)
  • Wednesday, 08 June 2022, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Leuchtkraft-Variabilität sonnenähnlicher Sterne -
    Ist die Sonne weniger aktiv als vergleichbare Sterne? (Kirchhoff)
  • Monday, 09 May 2022, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Das Ballett der (exo)Planeten -
    Wie wir Planeten außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems beobachten und nach neuen Planeten suchen (Schwarz)
  • Thursday, 05 March 2020, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Wird Beteigeuze zur Supernova? (Reinsch)
  • Friday, 31 January 2020, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Venus
    Topic of the presentation: Tanzende Sterne: Doppelsterne und schwarze Löcher (Giesers)
  • Tuesday, 03 December 2019, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, globular cluster, galaxies
    Topic of the presentation: Die Vermessung des Himmels - Vom größten Wissenschaftsabenteuer des 18. Jahrhunderts (Larissa Hahn)
  • Monday, 11 November 2019, 13:00-18:00 hours: Transit of Mercury event
    Program and locations
    Observing targets: Sun, Mercury; after sunset: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn
  • Monday, 07 October 2019, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Mit Gaia durch die Galaxis - Struktur und Dynamik unserer Heimat im Kosmos (Reinsch)
  • Thursday, 05 September 2019, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Tea for two: Die Entdeckung zweier Erdähnlicher Planeten um Teegardens Stern und was wir über ihr Wetter wissen (Zechmeister)
  • Wednesday, 07 August 2019, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Astronomie an den Anden - ein Reisebericht (Dahlkemper)
  • Tuesday, 16 July 2019, 18:00 - 01:00 hours: Joint program on the northern campus on the occasion of the partial lunar eclipse and the 50th anniversary of the first human landing on the Moon
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
  • Wednesday, 12 June 2019, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular clusters
    Topic of the presentation: Das Glas-Universum - Big Data im vorletzten Jahrhundert (Dorothee Ammer)
  • Tuesday, 14 May 2019, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular clusters
    Topic of the presentation: Hochgenaue Positionsbestimmung der Sonne und Entwicklung eines Guiding-Systems für das Sonnenteleskop (Huster Zapke)
  • Wednesday, 10 April 2019, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: Astronomische Exkursion nach Südafrika 2019 (Dreizler et al.)
  • Thursday, 14 March 2019, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Reise durch das Dunkle Universum (Dentler)
  • Monday, 11 February 2019, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Vom frühen Universum zu Sternen und Planetensystemen: Arbeitsgebiete und -methoden der Astrophysik in Göttingen (Reinsch)
  • Saturday, 26 January 2019, 17-24 hours (4. Nacht des Wissens)
    Observing targets: Mars, Andromeda galaxy, Orion nebula
  • Friday, 14 December 2018, 17:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, Mars, Uranus
    Topic of the presentation: Vom Prototypen zum Weltraumteleskop: Labortests des Koronagraphen SCOPE (Hinrichs)
  • Thursday, 15 November 2018, 18:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Uranus
    Topic of the presentation: Our Place in the Universe: The Story of Modern Cosmology (Marsh, talk in English)
  • Monday, 15 October 2018, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: 1,6 Milliarden Sterne - unsere galaktische Nachbarschaft in neuem Licht (Göttgens)
  • Wednesday, 19 September 2018, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: Astronomische Exkursion nach Südafrika 2018 (Dreizler et al.)
  • Monday, 20 August 2018, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: The Sun: an amazing physics laboratory (Nistico, talk in English)
  • Friday, 27 July 2018, 18-24 hours
    Joint program on the northern campus on the occasion of the total lunar eclipse
  • Tuesday, 19 June 2018, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter
    Topic of the presentation: Das Licht der Sterne - und wie wir damit Wissenschaft betreiben (Dürbye)
  • Sunday, 13 May 2018, 15:00 and 17:00 hours (International Museum Day)
    Entdeckertour durch die Astrophysik
    Meeting point in front of the »Physics Cabinet«, max. 20 participants
  • Monday, 23 April 2018, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus
    Topic of the presentation: Die stellare Küche - was haben Sterne und Wasser kochen gemeinsam? (D. Krüger)
  • Saturday, 24 March 2018, 18:30 hours (Astronomy Day)
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus
    beforehand (14:00-18:30 hours): Public Talks and Planetarium Shows at the MPI for Solar System Research
  • Friday, 23 February 2018, 17:30 hours
    Observing targets: Stellar occultation Moon occults Aldebaran
    Topic of the presentation: Sternbedeckungen, Finsternisse, Zeitbestimmung und die Bahn des Mondes (Reinsch)
  • Thursday, 25 January 2018, 18:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, Andromeda galaxy, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Tanzende Sterne - oder wie ein schwarzes Loch entdeckt wurde (Giesers)
  • Monday, 27 November 2017, 18:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, globular cluster, galaxies
    Topic of the presentation: Wieviel dunkle Materie gibt es in Göttingen? (Hessman)
  • Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 18:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, binary stars, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Wie finde ich einen neuen Planeten? - Instrumentierung in der Astrophysik (Huke)
  • Tuesday, 26 September 2017, 19:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Der Himmel im Röntgenlicht (Reinsch)
  • Wednesday, 30 August 2017, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Neue Perspektiven der Astrophysik mit dem künftigen 39m ELT Groß-Teleskop (Nicklas)
  • Monday, 31 June 2017, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: MUSE - ESO?s Cosmic Time Machine (Dreizler)
  • Friday, 30 June 2017, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter
    Topic of the presentation: Dunkle Energie - schwarze Magie? (Byrohl)
  • Thursday, 01 June 2017, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter
    Topic of the presentation: Die Struktur der dunklen Materie (Veltmaat)
  • Tuesday, 02 May 2017, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, globular clusters
    Topic of the presentation: Vom Prototypen im Labor zum Weltraumteleskop: Der Koronagraph SCOPE (Hinrichs)
  • Monday, 03 April 2017, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Mars
    Topic of the presentation: Die Vermessung des Universums - von den Zodiakalsternen zum galaktischen Zensus (Reinsch)
  • Wednesday, 01 March 2017, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Geburtsstätten der Sterne im Orion (Mrotzek)
  • Monday, 06 February 2017, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Wie finde ich einen bewohnbaren (oder bewohnten) Planeten? (Huke)
  • Saturday, 21 January 2017, 17-24 hours
    3. Nacht des Wissens
    Observing targets: Venus, Mars (until 20 hours), Uranus, gas nebulae, dust clouds, stellar clusters, galaxies
  • Thursday, 08 December 2016, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, globular cluster, galaxies
    Topic of the presentation: Weltraumwetter - Bedrohung durch unseren Heimatstern (Mrotzek)
  • Monday, 07 Novemober 2016, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, globular cluster, galaxies
    Topic of the presentation: Gravitationswellen (Oltmanns)
  • Monday, 10 October 2016, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Aus dem Leben der Sterne (Reinsch)
  • Tuesday, 06 September 2016, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: "Pale Red Dot" - die Suche nach einem erdähnlichen Planeten um unseren nächsten Nachbarstern (Reiners)
  • Wednesday, 10 August 2016, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Meteorite - Zeugen aus der Kinderstube unseres Sonnensystems (Pack, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum )
  • Monday, 11 July 2016, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Brilliant und scharf: Das Erfolgsgeheimnis moderner Teleskop-Optik am Beispiel des 40-Meter E-ELT.(Nicklas)
  • Sunday, 22 May 2016, 16:00 and 17:00 hours (Tag der offenen Sammlungen)
    Guided tour of the collection of historical items at the Institut für Astrophysik
    Meeting point in front of the Physical Cabinet
  • Monday, 09 May 2016, from 13.00 hours (clear skies only)
    Observing targets: Transit of Mercury across the Sun
    Topic of the presentation: Transits von Merkur und anderen Planeten (Reinsch)
    Transit of Mercury - Contact times for Göttingen (CEST):

    With clear skies, the observing platform of the IAG on the physics building, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, will be open for visitors from 1 pm on and can be reached via the main entrance of the physics building. Guided tours of the institute including telescope observations on the platform and a 30-min presentation will start at the northeastern entrance (Tammannstr.) of the building at 1 pm, 3 pm, 5 pm, and 7 pm.

    We reserve the right to cancel the public event, should the weather conditions be unfavorable for observations. Please, look for possible announcements with short notice on this webpage.

    1. Contact: 13:12:12 (Begin of transit)
    2. Contact: 13:15:23 (Mercury completely in front of the Sun)
    Mid transit: 16:56:02 (Mercury closest to center of solar disk)
    3. Contact: 20:37:20 (Mercury starts to leave solar disk)
    4. Contact: 20:40:33 (End of transit)
    Sunset: 20:57
  • Thursday, 14 April 2016, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter
    Topic of the presentation: Exoplaneten: Auf der Suche nach bewohnbaren Planeten (Bauer)
  • Wednesday, 16 March 2016, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Was Sterne uns über sich und ihre Begleiter verraten (Huke)
  • Thursday, 18 February 2016, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Das "Unsichtbare" sichtbar machen: Wie Weltraumteleskope unseren Blick auf die Sonne erweitern (Hinrichs)
  • Thursday, 14 January 2016, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, Andromeda galaxy, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Atemberaubende Monde - im Sonnensystem und darüber hinaus (Heller)
  • Monday, 21 December 2015, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, stellar cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Das europäische 40-Meter Riesenteleskop E-ELT in seiner Entwicklung (Nicklas)
  • Wednesday, 18 November 2015, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, stellar cluster, binary stars
    Topic of the presentation: Vom Regenbogen zu den Sternen. Spektroskopie - wie geht das und warum brauchen wir das? (Seemann)
  • Monday, 19 October 2015, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, globular cluster, ring nebula, binary stars
    Topic of the presentation: Auf der Suche nach der zweiten Erde - Methoden und Instrumente (Huke)
  • Tuesday, 22 September 2015, 19:30 hours
    Observing targets: Saturn, Moon, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Unser expandierendes Universum (T. Battefeld)
  • Monday, 24 August 2015, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Saturn, Moon, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Geheimnisvolle dunkle Materie (Schwabe)
  • Friday, 26 June 2015, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon
    Topic of the presentation: Hinterm Horizont geht's weiter - New Horizons erreicht das Pluto-System (Rodmann)
  • Thursday, 21 May 2015, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Venus, Jupiter, Moon
    Topic of the presentation: Der bewegte Himmel - die Entwicklung unserer Milchstraße live verfolgt (Kamann)
  • Tuesday, 28 April 2015, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Moon
    Topic of the presentation: Die dunkle Seite des Universums (Hessman)
  • Friday, 20 March 2015, 09:30-12:00 hours
    Observing targets: partial solar eclipse
    Topic of the presentation: Wie entstehen Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse? (Reinsch)
  • Monday, 23 February 2015, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Geburtsstätten der Sterne im Orion (Mrotzek)
  • Monday, 26 January 2015, 18:15 hours, seminar room 17 (F.05.104)
    Presentation within the series Wissen: Schaffen - Erforschen - Vermitteln
    Von den Monddistanzen bis zur Vermessung des Universums - Göttinger Astronomie im Wandel der Zeit (Reinsch)
    afterwards visit of the historical collection at the institute,
    observing targets (clear skies only): Moon, Orion nebula
  • Saturday, 17 January 2015, 17:00-24:00 hours
    Nacht des Wissens
    Observing targets: Mercury, Venus (unitl 17:30), Jupiter (after 22:00), Orion nebula, comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2), cluster, galaxies
  • Monday, 01. December 2014, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Astronomie in Südafrika - Exkursion 2014 (Dreizler)
  • Thursday, 30. October 2014, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Plasma Turbulenz - misst Du noch oder simulierst Du schon? (Grete)
  • Wednesday, 01. October 2014, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Sonnenstürme: Mythen - Fakten - Bunte Bilder (Pluta)
  • Tuesday, 02 September 2014, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Von Lampen und Sternen: Die Informationen des Lichts entschlüsseln (Boesch)
  • Friday, 04 July 2014, 22:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Das "Square Kilometre Array" - Antworten auf Fundamentale Fragen? (Springer)
  • Monday, 02 June 2014, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Wie kommt der Tacho zu den Planeten? - Wie man Exoplaneten messbar machen kann (Seemann)
  • Thursday, 08 May 2014, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter
    Topic of the presentation: Die Vermessung des Himmels - vom Mauerquadranten bis zu GAIA (Husser)
  • Saturday, 05 April 2014, 15:00-18:00 hours, and 20:00-22:00 hours
    Astronomy Day 2014
  • Tuesday, 11 March 2014, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Ferne Welten im Computer: Planetenentstehung durch Gravitationsinstabilitäten (Lichtenberg)
  • Monday, 10 February 2014, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Neues Instrument am Very Large Telescope in Chile installiert - MUSE in Aktion (Nicklas)
  • Thursday, 09 January 2014, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Warum beschleunigt das Universum? (Niemeyer)
  • Monday, 09 December 2013, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, cluster, and nebulae
    Topic of the presentation: Astronomie in Südafrika - ein Exkursionsbericht (Dreizler u.a.)
  • Tuesday, 12 November 2013, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus, cluster, and nebulae
    Topic of the presentation: Galaxienhaufen - die größten Strukturen im Universium (Schmidt)
  • Sunday, 27 October 2013, 10:00 - 18:00 hours

    • Entdeckertour durch die Astrophysik
      Entdecken Sie einen „neuen“ Stern auf einem alten Himmelsglobus und erfahren Sie mehr über alte Observatorien, Instrumente, Messverfahren und berühmte Persönlichkeiten aus 260 Jahren Astronomiegeschichte in Göttingen. Bei klarem Himmel ist ein Blick durch die modernen Teleskope möglich, unter anderem können Sie Sterne am Taghimmel entdecken.
      Führungen um 11.00, 14.00, 16.30 Uhr, Treffpunkt vor dem Physicalischen Cabinet
    • Der gute Kopf – aus dem Leben des Astronomen Tobias Mayer
      Dokumentarfilm mit Spielszenen von Sabine Willmann, D 2012, 65 Min.
      Tobias Mayer, geboren 1723 in Marbach, wirkte von 1751 bis zu seinem Tod 1762 als Professor in Göttingen und war Direktor an der alten Sternwarte. Im Film erfahren wir von Mayers Gedanken, welche Messmethoden er herausfand und warum dabei der Mond so wichtig war.
      Filmvorführungen um 12.15 und 15.15 Uhr, Seminarraum SR17 (F05.104)

  • Monday, 16 September 2013, 19:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Der Ursprung supermassereicher Schwarzer Löcher (Schleicher)
  • Wednesday, 28 August 2013, 20:30 hours
    Observing targets: Venus, Saturn, ring nebula, globular cluster
    Topic of the presentation: Staub überall - Eine Reise zu den Schmuddelecken des Sonnensystems (Rodmann)
  • Friday, 14 June 2013, 21:30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn)
    Topic of the presentation: Von der "alten Sternwarte" zum Neubau der Physik - astronomische Einrichtungen in Göttingen (Reinsch)
  • Tuesday, 28 May 2013, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: planet parade in the evening sky (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn)
    Topic of the presentation: Kugelsternhaufen - Zeitzeugen der Kindheit unserer Milchstraße (Kamann)
  • Thursday, 25 April 2013, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: partial lunar eclipse, Jupiter, Saturn
    Topic of the presentation: Finsternisse - Kosmische Schattenspiele (Reinsch)
  • Saturday, 16 March 2013, Astronomy Day, 16:00-20:00 hours
    Astronomy Day 2013
    Observing targets: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, comet C/2011 L4 (PANSTARRS)
  • Tuesday, 14 February 2013, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter
    Topic of presentation: Knapp daneben ist auch vorbei - Der Vorbeiflug des Asteroiden 2012 DA14 und die Gefahren durch erdnahe Objekte (Rodmann)
  • Monday, 21 January 2013, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Manche mögen's heiß - Neues über die geplante Sonnenmission Solar Probe Plus (Rodmann)
  • Tuesday, 18 December 2012, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus
    Topic of presentation: Leuchtende Planeten (Lenz)
  • Saturday, 24 November 2012, 17:00-24:00 hours
    Nacht des Wissens
  • Monday, 22 October 2012, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, cluster, and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Supermassereiche Schwarze Löcher (Wutschik)
  • Monday, 17 September 2012, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: binary stars, cluster, and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Aus dem Leben der Sterne (Reinsch)
  • Thursday, 23 August 2012, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Helio- und Asteroseismologie: unser Fenster zum Inneren der Sonne und der Sterne (Stahn)
  • Wednesday, 06 June 2012, 05:30-07:00 hours (only given clear skies)
    Observing targets: Transit of Venus (final phase)
    Contact times for Göttingen (CEST):
    Sun rise: 05:04
    Third contact: 06:37:29
    Forth contact: 06:54:58
  • Monday, 24 May 2012, 21:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Venus vor der Sonne (Reinsch)
  • Monday, 30 April 2012, 20:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Wie dunkel ist die Dunkle Seite des Universums? (Hessman)
  • Saturday, 24 March 2012, 16:00-20:00 hours
    Astronomy day 2012
  • Monday, 27 February 2012, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Astronomie am Kap der Guten Hoffnung (Husser)
  • Thursday, 26 January 2012, 19:00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Kosmologie und der Ursprung des Universums (T. Battefeld)
  • Saturday, 10 December 2011, 16.00 hours
    Observing targets: Lunar eclipse (partial phase visible from Göttingen)
    Topic of presentation: Eine Reise durch das Universum (Reinsch)
  • Thursday, 03 November 2011, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter
    Topic of presentation: Sterne im Computer: Einblicke in die brodelnden Oberflächen kühler Sterne (Beeck)
  • Thursday, 06 October 2011, 20.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Die ersten Magnetfelder im frühen Universum (Schleicher)
  • Monday, 05 September 2011, 21.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Planetenjagd in Spanien - CARMENES, der neue Spektrograph auf dem Calar Alto (Schäfer)
  • Wednesday, 15 June 2011, 20.30 hours
    Observing targets: Total lunar eclipse
    Topic of presentation: Wie entstehen Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse? (Reinsch)
    Accompanying programme: Reading Bernhard Weißbecker: Die dunkle Seele des Mondes
  • Tuesday, 10 May 2011, 21.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Wie aus Star Wars Realität wurde: Die Suche nach dem Planeten Tatooine (Hessman)
  • Saturday, 09 April 2011, 15.00 - 21.00 hours
    Programme on the occasion of the Astronomy day 2011
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Wednesday, 09 March 2011, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Die Entwicklung der Sterne und ihrer Planeten (S. Becker)
  • Thursday, 10 February 2011, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Kosmologie und der Ursprung des Universums (T. Battefeld)
  • Monday, 10 January 2011, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Astronomische Ansichten aus Chile - Die Observatorien der Europäischen Südsternwarte (Seemann)
  • Wednesday, 15 December 2010, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus
    Topic of presentation: Die dynamischen Oberflächen kühler Sterne (Beeck)
  • Wednesday, 17 November 2010, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus
    Topic of presentation: Die äußere Sonnenatmosphäre und ihre Dynamik in 3-D (Bosman)
  • Tuesday, 26 October 2010, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Jupiter, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Astronomie am Kap der Guten Hoffnung (Husser)
  • Monday, 27 September 2010, 20.00 hours
    Observing targets: Jupiter, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Eine Reise durch das Weltall (Kneer)
  • Tuesday, 31 August 2010, 21.00 hours
    Observing targets: binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Weiße Zwerge als kosmische Laboratorien (Reinsch)
  • Thursday, 17 June 2010, 14.00 - 20.00 hours
    Open house day in the faculty of physics
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Friday, 21 May 2010, 21.30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Lebenszyklus der Sterne (Schmidt)
  • Monday, 12 April 2010, 20.00 hours
    Observing targets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Das Licht der Sterne (Husser)
  • Monday, 22 March 2010, 20.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Planeten im Herz der Milchstraße - Der Mikrogravitationslinseneffekt (Hundertmark)
  • Thursday, 18 February 2010, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Eine Missionsstudie zur Charakterisierung von Exoplaneten (Mohler)
  • Thursday, 21 January 2010, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Die 'habitable' Zone um fremde Sonnen (Joshi)
  • Tuesday, 22 December 2009, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus
    Topic of presentation: Das Schwarze Loch im Zentrum der Milchstraße (Werhahn)
  • Tuesday, 22 December 2009, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
    Topic of presentation: Ferne Planeten und ihre Sonnen
  • Saturday, 24 October 2009, 19.00 hours ("Galilean Nights")
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Jupiter und seine Monde: von Galileo bis heute (Reinsch)
  • Monday, 28 September 2009, 20.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Bewegende Sterne: Rotation, Pulsation, Konvektion (Wende)
  • Monday, 31 August 2009, 21.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, binary stars, cluster and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Grenzland zwischen Riesenplaneten und Zwergsternen - die Suche nach unseren unscheinbaren Nachbarn (Homeier)
  • Friday, 26 June 2009, 22.30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Solar Probe Plus - Der Menschheit erster Besuch eines Sterns (Deller)
  • Friday, 29 May 2009, 22.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Pulsationsveränderliche: Warum Sterne schwingen (Hilker)
  • Tuesday, 28 April 2009, 20.30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Bewegende Sterne: Rotation, Pulsation, Konvektion (Wende)
  • 02.-05. April 2009: 100 Hours of Astronomy
    A 100-hour, round-the-clock, round-the-globe event that includes live webcasts from research observatories, public observing events and other activities around the world.
    The institute offers public guided tours starting at 21.00 hours during each of these evenenigs.
    Observing targets: Moon, Saturn, Orion nebula
    Topic of the presentation: Telescopes - the "eyes" of the astrophysicists
    Astrophysicists from Göttingen work with telescopes all over the world
    (Video with live webcasts from our partner institutes)
  • Saturday, 04 April 2009
    Programme on the occasion of the 7th Astronomy day
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Tuesday, 03 March 2009, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Orion nebula, comet C/2007 N3 (Lulin)
    Topic of presentation: Der Klang der Sterne - Was Sternbeben uns verraten (Lutz)
  • Thursday, 29 January 2009, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Unsere kosmische Nachbarschaft: Kühle Sterne im Fokus der Forschung (Joshi)
  • Wednesday, 07 January 2009, 17.00 hours
    Observing targets: Mercury, Venus, Moon, occultation of plejades
    Topic of presentation: Die Plejaden - Betrachtung eines Sternhaufens aus astrophysikalischer Sicht (Werhahn)
  • Friday, 05 December 2008, 17.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus
    Topic of presentation: Der Stern von Bethlehem (Köhler)
  • Tuesday, 07 October 2008, 19.30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter
    Topic of presentation: Die neuen Teleskope für die Astrophysikausbildung in Göttingen (Wiehr)
  • Saturday, 06 September 2008, 18.00 - 22.00 hours
    Programme on the occasion of the 6th Germany wide Astronomy day
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Friday, 01 August 2008, 10.00 - 13.00 Uhr
    Observing targets: partial solar eclipse
    Topic of presentation: Wie entstehen Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse? (Reinsch)
  • Friday, 04 July 2008, 16.00 - 22.00 hours
    Open house day in the faculty of physics
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Thursday, 08 May 2008, 21.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Der unsichtbare Himmel - wie Röntgen"augen" das Universum sehen (Traulsen)
  • Wednesday, 12 March 2008, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon (occultation of plejades), Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Die Plejaden - astrophysikalische Biografie eines Sternhaufens (Werhahn)
  • Thursday, 14 February 2008, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Das "Very Large Telescope" - Instrumente und Entdeckungen (Seifahrt)
  • Wednesday, 16 January 2008, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Was ist ein brauner Zwerg? (Reiners)
  • Monday, 19 November 2007, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, comet 17P/Holmes
    Topic of presentation: Astrophysik in Göttingen (Reinsch)
  • Saturday, 29 September 2007, 18.00 - 22.00 hours
    Public event on the occasion of the 5th Germany wide Astronomy day
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Tuesday, 21. August 2007, 21.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Jupiter, binary stars, nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Entstehung von Sternen- und Planetensystemen (Hügelmeyer)
  • Thursday, 12 July 2007, 16.00 - 23.00 hours
    Open house day in the faculty of physics
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Tuesday, 22 May 2007, 20.30 hours
    Observing targets: Occultation of Saturn by the Moon
    Topic of presentation: Neue Erkenntnisse über das Saturnsystem (Husser)
  • Wednesday, 11 April 2007, 20.30 hours
    Observing targets: Venus, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Die Sonne in 3D - erste Beobachtungen von STEREO (Bothmer)
  • Monday, 26 February 2007, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: MONET - Göttingens neue robotische Teleskope (Hessman)
  • Thursday, 11 January 2007, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Plejades, Orion nebula, Andromeda galaxy
    Topic of presentation: Teleskop-Giganten - die Entwicklung vom ein Meter zum 100 Meter Spiegelteleskop (Nicklas)
  • Wednesday, 01 November 2006, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Uranus
    Topic of presentation: Weiße Zwerge als kosmische Laboratorien (Reinsch)
  • Saturday, 16 September 2006, 15.00 - 23.00 hours
    Public event on the occasion of the 4th Germany wide Astronomy day
    guided tours, presentations, observations etc.
  • Tuesday, 06. June 2006, 21.30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, clusters and nebulae
    Topic of presentation: Mit den Augen des Astrophysikers durch die Galaxis (Kotulla)
  • Wednesday, 05. April 2006, 20.30 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Entdeckung eines ungewöhnlichen Doppelsternsystems (Hundertmark)
  • Thursday, 23. February 2006, 18.00 hours
    Observing targets: Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Orion nebula
    Topic of presentation: Merkur - ein geheimnisvoller Planet (Reinsch)
  • Wednesday, 11. January 2006, 19.00 hours
    Observing targets: Moon, Mars, Saturn
    Topic of presentation: Astrophysik in Göttingen (Dreizler)