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Mathematical Data Science (B.Sc.)


Fit for the digital era: In the degree programme “Mathematical Data Science”, students learn modern mathematical and statistical methods of data analysis and recognition of structures, and acquire tools from computer science to transform these methods into algorithms. Graduates will be able to deal scientifically with large quantities of data and thus gain access to attractive career opportunities.

Mathematical Data Science
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Full-time studies or Part-time studies
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Winter semester only
Language of the programme:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Orientation events:
at the begin of your studies orientation events are offered
A pre-course is offered

Get to know us

Programme specific Karte_Homepage_MDS
Programme specific Mathematics Pre-Course 720px
Cross-programme Schnupperstudium
from 12.

Campus Tours

With students on the road


In the Mathematical Data Science degree programme, students learn mathematics, statistics and computer science. They acquire a thorough understanding of mathematics and its methods of analysing data and recognising their underlying structures.

During the first year of the programme, students will acquire sound mathematical knowledge in the areas of analysis, linear algebra and computer science. In the second year, the basic principles of mathematical data science will be covered; statistical and numerical methods are to be dealt with in particular. In the third year, the students will be familiarized with current research topics in a study focus area of their own choice. They will write their Bachelor’s thesis in this research focus area. Possible study focus areas are:

  • Optimization and Imaging
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Applied Statistics and Econometrics

Graduates of the Mathematical Data Science Bachelor’s degree programme are well prepared to meet either the requirements of a subsequent Master’s degree programme, or the challenges of an entry-level position in core areas of the digital era, due to their abilities for abstraction and identification of patterns, as well as their capacity for conceptional, analytical and logical thinking.

Prospective students of this programme should be interested in and have a liking for mathematics and computer science, as well as for finding answers to complex, abstract questions.

Related programmes and consecutive/graduate Programmes


During the first year of the programme, students will acquire sound mathematical knowledge in the areas of analysis, linear algebra and computer science. In the second year, the basic principles of mathematical data science will be covered; statistical and numerical methods are to be dealt with in particular. In the third year, the students will be familiarized with current research topics in a study focus area of their own choice. They will write their Bachelor’s thesis in this research focus area. Possible study focus areas are:

  • Optimization and Imaging
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Applied Statistics and Econometrics

Regulations and module directory


Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Citizen from an EU country (including Germany and EEA) or holding a German university entrance qualification

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)


Academic Advising

Dr. Denise Krempasky

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Bunsenstr. 3/5
DE-37073 Göttingen

Room No. 110

Phone: + 49 (0)551 39 27762