Information on study orientation and application for admission
Starting a course of studies, exploring an unknown city, mastering everyday student life and examinations successfully: these are the challenges facing all first-year students. For students with disabilities/chronic diseases, the way from enrolment to successful graduation often involves overcoming a great variety of additional barriers.
Study orientation
Central Student Advisory Service
The Central Student Advisory Service is the contact partner for all questions relating to studying with disabilities and chronic diseases.
We give general advice to prospective students and persons connected with them on the choice of subjects to study and occupational orientation, on possibilities for studying in Göttingen, application for admission and the organisation of studies.
The Central Student Advisory Service supports prospective students who are ill or disabled in the successful realisation of their study wishes. For the persons affected, a disability or chronic disease often means studying under more difficult conditions. You can discuss with us all relevant questions and possible obstacles to studying before you actually start. We will look for individual solutions together with you and suggest practical options for action. You will find your contact partners here.Study and examination advisers in the faculties
The study and examination advisers in the faculties are the right contact partners for specific information on all topics relating to the organisation of studies, such as subject content, combinations of subjects and conditions of study.
Applying for admission
Internal admission procedures of the University
Students with a disability/chronic disease can lodge a hardship application together with their application for admission (“Application for inclusion in the contingent for cases of exceptional hardship in the allocation of university places”). In this case, evidence must be submitted of special circumstances which make an immediate start of the selected degree programme absolutely necessary. Information about the actual prerequisites and the documentary evidence which must accompany the application is available from the Registrar’s Office.Application via
Applicants for degree programmes included in the admission procedure of (formerly ZVS) can lodge special applications in addition to their regular applications in order to improve their chances for admission. Further information on special applications can be found in the download area of (German only) under the heading "Ergänzende Informationen zur Bewerbung für bundesweit zulassungsbeschränkte Studiengänge" (keyword Sonderanträge).