Dr. Marife D. Corre
Room 3.136
Tel.: +49 551 39 25765
Email: mcorre@gwdg.de
Research interests
- Impact of global change processes (e.g. increase in nutrient deposition, land-use change, changes in rainfall levels) on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, net primary production, leaching losses, and biogenic trace gas fluxes
- Ecosystem functions of agroforestry systems
- Landscape-scale assessment of crop yield and of trade-offs between crop production and associated environmental effects
- Landscape-scale quantification of soil carbon changes and greenhouse gas fluxes from conversion of tropical natural ecosystems (e.g. rainforest) to agricultural production systems
- Soil productivity recovery of degraded lands in the tropics
- Applications of stable isotopes, e.g. 13C and 15N, for quantifying carbon and nitrogen fluxes among soil, plant, water and air

Field measurement of trace gas fluxes from soils

Field measurement of leaching losses below the root zone in soils

Chronosequence of land-use change: tropical rainforest - corn - cacao agroforest

Recovery of degraded soils in the tropics: grazing lands converted to exclosures