Ideas Competition for Students 2021
»Studying transforms you – let’s transform how you study«
The University of Goettingen honours students' ideas
The Ideas Competition for Students 2021 was held under the motto „Studying transforms you – let’s transform how you study!“ and addressed questions about the experiences and ideas from the pandemic that will also be relevant for the university and its students in the future.
81 proposals were entered, four of them were awarded with cash and non-cash prizes.
The award ceremony took place at the historical observatory on June 8, 2022.

Left to right: Till Jonas Hampe (chairman of the evaluation jury), Caroline Beckmann (deputy chairwoman of the evaluation jury), Sonia Korra, Anna-Maria Rohe, Sophia-Katharina Rogge, Vice President Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Missing in the picture: Nikos Bosse, Harshitha Polathula und Saidev Polisetty
Foto: Göttingen University
The Jury decided in favour of the following submissions:
1st Price (500 Euro)
for Nikos Bosse
„Lighthouse instead of ivory tower - Wikipedia as an instrument in academic teaching“
Instead of term papers wikis should be written in order to increase student motivation and share knowledge with society.
more... see Abstract (pdf, in German language)
2nd Price (300 Euro)
for Anna-Maria Rohe
„PEBL – Peer-based Learning: A student-designed key competence program for the development of hard and soft skills in an intercultural framework“
Students can learn different skills from each other in tandems and thus have intercultural learning experiences and develop didactic skills at the same time.
more... see Abstract (pdf, in German language)
In addition two non-cash prizes were awarded to:
Sonia Korra, Harshitha Polathula und Saidev Polisetty for „Immersive Virtual Engagement Metaverse to ease Virtual Learning“
Sophia-Katharina Rogge for„The ideal script“