In publica commoda

Registration for the workshop

Please submit your registration by 24rd March 2021.

To secure your place for participation in the workshop, please complete the registration form shown below. Participation is free of charge.

I would like to register for the workshop held on (date): *
First name(s) and surname: *
Email address *
Which school/type of school have you attended most recently?
I come from:
Which field of studies would interest you?
Which university entrance qualification do you possess or plan to acquire? *
In which year did you acquire your university entrance qualification, or when will you acquire it?
If the acquisition of your university entrance qualification dates back more than 1 year, what has been your occupation in the meantime?
What else do you expect from this workshop? Which questions would you like to have answered there?

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

* Mandatory field