Analysis of marketing channels for products of sustainable livestock farming using the example of southern Lower Saxony
Webinar: Regional marketing in agriculture - trends and perspectives

- identify success factors and barriers to the marketing of products from sustainable, regional livestock farming (analysis phase),
- to develop implementation concepts for successful marketing in Southern Lower Saxony from this analysis (concept development phase), and
- to test these concepts with practical partners as a transdisciplinary project (testing phase) and to derive recommendations for action for other regions in Lower Saxony (transferability of the results to Lower Saxony as a whole).
14 Jun 2021 | 2pm - 4pm | Online
In this webinar you will get an overview of the different forms of regional marketing and the invited speakers will give exciting insights into the respective concepts and talk about their experiences. Mehr...
Participation in the webinar is free of charge. Registration will start shortly. (Language of the event: German)
You can see the preliminary programme hier.
About the project:
Against the background of the social debate about the future of livestock farming in Germany, it is becoming increasingly clear that livestock farming is facing considerable, necessary innovation steps. However, this can only be achieved if the products produced also find a market outlet. Regional initiatives can be a driver of sustainable development.Within the framework of the research project, innovative marketing concepts for products from sustainable, regional livestock farming are being designed and analysed in southern Lower Saxony as an example.
Using qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis, the present research study aims to,
The results of the project have a model character and can be transferred to other products and other regions, also beyond Lower Saxony.
The Landvolk Göttingen, Kreisbauernverband e.V., is investigating the development of innovative forms of sustainable livestock farming on the agricultural side, slaughtering and processing as part of the "Model Project for Possible Sustainable Livestock Farming in Southern Lower Saxony (MP-NNH)"( Due to the good complementarity of the two projects, there is an exchange and cooperation between the two projects.
The project is funded by the state of Lower Saxony.