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Welcome back!

Alumni Göttingen connects more than 30,000 alumni with those people who study, research and work at the University of Göttingen today. Whether you want to keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances from your student days or contribute your talents, ideas or resources - every kind of commitment makes our network livelier!

Göttingen Alumni-Day

The Göttingen Alumni-Day is an annual offer by the University of Göttingen for its former students. It is the opportunity to meet up with old friends in Göttingen and to make new acquaintances! The next Alumni-Day takes place on 30 May 2026.
Network with Other Alumni!

Make valuable contacts at alumni events in Göttingen, in many major German cities, in Asia and the USA, but also online via the Alumni Portal and in other social networks.

Alumni Portal
The aim of the Alumni Portal is to network as many people as possible who are associated with the University of Göttingen and Alumni Göttingen. Become a member online.

Our alumni group on LinkedIn and our Facebook page offer additional ways of getting in touch and communicating with each other to all alumni, students and employees.
Our Regional and Interest Groups

You can find alumni of the University of Göttingen all over the world. Would you like to make alumni contacts within your former facutly, in your city or in a specific region? Then join our faculty networks, regional groups or establish your own! There are also interest groups on specific topics or hobbies in our alumni network. Find like-minded people!
The alumni4students Series of Events

alumni4students alumni4students is a series of events with practical talks and workshops for professional orientation given by alumni for students. The alumni provide exciting insights into everyday professional life and careers and give valuable suggestions for career orientation, application and networking. This series of events usually takes place as part of the supporting programme of the career fair PRAXISBÖRSE of the University of Göttingen.

Alumni in mentoring and start-up support

Let young professionals and entrepreneurs benefit from your knowledge. Together with committed partners from the business community, we would like to expand the support network between experienced professionals and young academics. The support options range from personal mentoring talks to financial investment in start-up teams and spin-offs from the University of Göttingen. Are you interested or do you have any questions?

Sponsoring and Commitment

Through donations and personal commitment, alumni of the University of Göttingen enable us to support talented and committed students and implement numerous innovative projects.

We would like to encourage you to participate in the development of our foundation university. With your help, we can strengthen the unique features of Göttingen as a location for science and scholarship. Get in touch with us about building profitable partnerships!

Find an overview of our current projects here or take a look at our Alumni Göttingen funding projects.

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University Association Universitätsbund Göttingen e.V.

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