Before Arrival
Even before you arrive, you have a lot to sort out. Some issues must be dealt with before you arrive, e.g. the visa or the financing of your stay. Other topics should be dealt with far in advance, e.g. finding an apartment or childcare. The Welcome Centre will support you on your way to Göttingen. Please feel free to contact us. You can also check our guide with first steps to be taken in Göttingen
Checklist "Before your arrival"
- Determine the exact start date of your employment with your employer
- Contact the Welcome Centre of the University of Göttingen
- Collect all important documents
- If not fully employed, organise financing of your stay
- Apply for a visa, including any accompanying family members
- Organise health insurance
- Learn German
- Research accomodation options
- Organise childcare and schools
- Plan arrival details
- Inform your water, gas and electricity provider of your move
- Cancel memberships, newspaper subscription
- Set up mail forwarding, if possible
Further information
- EURAXESS - mobility portal for researchers
- Make it in Germany
The International Office
Welcome Centre
Von-Siebold-Straße 4
37075 Göttingen
The Welcome Centre is not barrier-free. Please contact us if you need assistance.