Kristine Jane Montalla, M.Sc.

Research interests/ Forschungsschwerpunkte

  • Rural development
  • Food security
  • Climate-smart agriculture
  • Technology adoption and acceptance
  • Behaviour change
  • Sustainable development

  • Research Projects/ Forschungsprojekte

    RTG 2654 Sustainable Food Systems - Subproject A6: Towards climate-smart farming: acceptance,
    incentives and potentials (Prof. Silke Hüttel)

    Academic Education/ Akademischer Bildungsweg

    09/2024–Present Doctoral researcher, RTG 2654 Sustainable Food Systems, University of Göttingen, Germany
    09/2022–12/2022 Research Intern, Mekong Delta Development Research Institute - Can Tho University, Vietnam
    06/2018–06/2021 Project Officer, Centre International de Formation des Autorités et Leaders (CIFAL) – University of the Philippines, Philippines

    Publications and Conferences/ Publikationen und Vorträge

    09/2021-09/2023 International Master of Science in Rural Development, Ghent University, Belgium
    09/2022 – 12/2022 Research Intern, Mekong Delta Development Research Institute - Can Tho University, Vietnam
    06/2013-01/2018 Bachelor of Science in Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines