Dr. Reinhard Uehleke
Research interests/ Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Behavioral Economics and consumer research
- Agricultural policy evaluation
- Farm efficiency and environmental conservation
Research Projects/ Forschungsprojekte
Academic Career/ Akademischer Werdegang
04/2022 - 10/2023 | Research Assistant in the field of Agricultural and Food Economics Management at the Department for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, University of Göttingen |
2017 - 2022: | Research Assistant at the Chair of Production Economics at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics (ILR), University of Bonn |
2015 - 2017: | Research Assistant at the Chair of Agricultural Economics, University of Rostock |
2011 - 2015: | Research Assistant in the research project "FairPayClim," HTWK Leipzig ("Justice and willingness to pay for the global public good of climate protection - an empirical and theoretical analysis (FairPayClim") |
2011: | Research Assistant in the research project "Altersvorsorge macht Schule" (Pension Planning Goes to School), University of Bamberg |
2009 - 2011: | Student Assistant at the Chair of Empirical Microeconomics, University of Bamberg |
2004 - 2005: | Language Teacher and Project Manager for Rural Development, Sorya e.V., Cambodia |
Publications and Conferences/ Publikationen und Vorträge
Massfeller, M., Meraner, M., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2022) | Data on farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes. Data in Brief, 45, 108642. | Link |
Massfeller, M., Meraner, M., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2022) | Farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes: A German perspective. Land Use Policy, 120, 106281. | Link |
Eitelberg, L., Klink-Lehman, J., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2022) | The effect of husbandry system information on consumer willingness to pay for dairy products from cow-calf-contact systems, accepted for presentation at the ÖGA Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 22.-23. September 2022. | |
Adamie, B., Uehleke, R., Hansson, H., Mußhof, O., & Hüttel, S. (2022) | Dairy cow welfare measures: Can production economic data help? Sustainable Production and Consumption, 32, 296-305. | Link |
Uehleke, R., Petrick, M., & Hüttel, S. (2022) | Evaluations of agri-environmental schemes based on observational farm data: The importance of covariate selection. Land Use Policy, 114, 105950. | Link |
Massfeller, A., Meraner, M., Hüttel, S., Uehleke, R. (2021) | Farmers’ acceptance of results-based agri-environmental schemes - insights from a case study in North Rhine-Westphalia. 61st Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, September 22-24, 2021 | Link |
Leonhardt, H., Braito, M., & Uehleke, R. (2021) | Combining the best of two methodological worlds? Integrating Q methodology-based farmer archetypes in a quantitative model of agri-environmental scheme uptake. Agriculture and Human Values, 1-16 | Link |
Uehleke, R., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2021) | Do Animal Welfare Schemes Promote Better Animal Health? An Empirical Investigation of German Pork Production. Livestock Science 247 | Link |
Uehleke, R., Leonhardt, H., Hüttel, S. | Counterfactual evaluation of agri-environmental schemes in Austria, 25th EAERE Annual Conference, Berlin 23.06.-03.07.2020 | Link |
Uehleke, R., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. | Animal welfare and production efficiency in German pork production, 60. Gewisola Jahrestagung, Halle 23.-25.09.2020 | Link |
Hüttel, S., Seifert, S., Uehleke, R., Odening, M., Filler, G., von Witzke, K., Graubner, M., Balmann, A. (2020) | Preisbildung bei Auktionen auf dem Bodenmarkt: Analyse der Unterschiede zwischen Landwirten und Nichtlandwirten, Download | Link |
Uehleke, R., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. (2020) | Animal welfare and production efficiency in German pork production, selected paper presented at the Papers in 94th Annual Conference from Agricultural Economics Society, April 15-17, 2020, KU Leuven, Belgium (Cancelled) | Link |
Uehleke, R., Seifert, S., Hüttel, S. | Animal welfare and production efficiency in German pork production, Agecon Discussion Paper | Link |