Global Shakespeare 2.0
The project "Global Shakespeare 2.0" aims at establishing a teaching collaboration between Sichuan University in China, Pune University and Ashoka University, both in India, as well as Georg-August-University of Göttingen, with the aim of enabling students and lecturers to change their perspective on a canonical author. Together we are developing a digital teaching programme, which will be offered to students at all four universities. Therefore, on the one hand, the project offers new means of access, expands digital skills and provides global and completely different approaches and perspectives, and on the other hand, it fosters long-term international partnerships. The access to internationally developed teaching and learning materials also gives students who do not (or cannot) decide on a stay abroad as part of their studies the opportunity to gain an international perspective. The intended change of perspective thus contributes to raising awareness of culturally influenced analysis approaches, consolidates existing academic exchange at the institute level through a collaboratively developed blended mobility concept and perpetuates the exchange so that further cross-university concepts become possible.
IVAC Conversations / Global Shakespeare 2.0: Insights into the project
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People involved in the project

- Since 2013 Research Assistant, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen with the following tasks:
- Since 02 2020 Project Coordinator 'Global Shakespeare 2.0'; Research Coordinator 'Göttingen Centre for Gender Studies' and 'Centre for Theory and Methods in Cultural Studies'.
- 03 2019 - 07 2020 Project coordinator 'Global Shakespeare' (e-learning project to promote the internationalisation of curricula)
- 10 2017 - 05 2019 Project coordinator 'Representations of India in British Fiction' for the implementation of a digital master module
- 04 2017 Coordinator of the second student conference on 'Jane Austen in a Global Context'.
- 01 2017 - 09 2017 Coordinator of the 'Immortal Jane' series of events (with a total of 12 events including lectures, plays and readings) to mark the 200th anniversary of the death of British author Jane Austen.
- 03 2014 - 04 2015 Parental leave
- 11 2013 Initiation and coordination of the first student conference of English Literature and Cultural Studies, University of Göttingen.
- 10 2013 Organiser of the 1st meeting of the Young Researchers Forum "Postcolonial Narrations" on "Challenging Boundaries: Postcolonial Narratives and Notions of the Global", Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
- 12 2012 Idea generator and founder of the young researchers' forum 'Postcolonial Narrations' of GAPS (German Association of Postcolonial Studies)
- 10 2011 - 09 2013 Lecturer at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, teaching load 18 SWS independent seminars in literary studies for BA and MA students
- 2009 - 2010 Research assistant, University of Bayreuth
- 2007 - 2009 Lecturer, University of Bayreuth
- 2003 - 2004 Assistant Coordinator, FEMRITE (Uganda Women Writers' Association), Kampala, Uganda.
Research interests:
- Contemporary World Literature
- African literature
- African women's literature
- Postcolonial studies
- Gender Studies

- Chair of British Literature and Culture
Career History:
- 2008 Chair of British Literature and Culture, Georg-August University Göttingen
- 2006-2007 Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change, Leeds.
- 2005-2006 Research Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh at the Centre for the History of the Book in Edinburgh.
- 2002-2006 Visiting Professor at the universities of Tübingen, Bochum, Munich and Vienna.
- 2002 Poststdoctoral degree (Habilitation) in English Literature at Munich University.
- 1999-2001 Postdoctoral research grant from the German research council (DFG).
- 1995-2001 Teaching post at Munich University. Postdoctoral research grant from the Bavarian State.
- 1992-1995 Postdoctoral fellow at the Munich graduate studies programme (Graduiertenkolleg) Geschlechterdifferenz und Literatur.
- 1990 Doctoral degree at Passau University.
- English Studies, Russian Studies and History at the Universities of Munich, Edinburgh and Passau.
Focus of Research:
- Authorship, Literary Forgeries
- Travel Writing, Tourist Guidebooks, Literary Tourism
- Scottish Literature
- Gender Studies
- Transnational Histories of the Book
Prof. Xin Wang - Project Partner (Sichuan University, China)
- 2005-2011 Ph. D in literature, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Sichuan University
- 2009-2010 Visiting Scholar, University of Virginia, USA
- 2007.8-2007.12 Visiting Scholar, University of Hong Kong
Academic interests:
Literary Theories and British American Literature, centering on American Southern Renaissance, Discourse Evolution of American Southern Intellectuals, American Southern Trauma Fictions, American Slave Narratives.
Dr. Chandrani Chatterjee - Project Partner (Pune University, Indien)
Chandrani Chatterjee teaches English Studies at the Department of English, Savitribai Phule Pune University (formerly known as University of Pune). Some of her areas of interest include Translation Studies, History of the Book, Shakespeare and the Early Moderns and Gender Studies. She was the recipient of the Fulbright Fellowship to UMass, Amherst, USA (2012-13) where she taught a course on post-colonial translation. She was invited as Visiting Faculty to the Nida School of Translation Studies, Italy, in 2018 where she delivered a lecture on genre and translation at the two week summer school on the theme ‘Translating Pedagogies’.
Her current research interest includes widening the field of translation studies by tracing the connections that translation studies shares with other disciplines. She is also a part of the European Commission funded research consortium ‘Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe’s Future’ under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.
Her most recent publications include, Critical Essays on Literature, Language and Aesthetics (ed. Arnapurna Rath, Chandrani Chatterjee, Saroja Ganapathy, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, 2019); ‘Travels of Song-Texts: Hindi Film Songs in Translation’(co-author Vikki Gayakavad in Shabd aur Sangeet: Unravelling Song-Text in India (ed. Shubha Mudgal et al, New Delhi: Three Essays Collective, 2019) ‘Michael Madhusudan Dutt’ ‘Bhudev Mukhopadhyay’ in Modern South Asian Thinkers (ed. Dev Nath Pathak, Sanjeev Kumar H.M, Sage, 2018); ‘Performative Implications of Genres: A Critical Rumination’ in Culture and Politics in South Asia: Performative Communication (ed. Dev Nath Pathak and Sasanka Perera, Routledge, 2018).
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Gil Harris - Project Partner (Ashoka University, Indien)
Jonathan Gil Harris is Professor of English at Ashoka University. He earned his Bachelors and Masters from Auckland University, and completed his DPhil from University of Sussex. Prior to coming to Ashoka, he was a Professor at George Washington University, where he taught since 2003. He has also held positions at Ithaca College, New York, and University of Auckland in New Zealand.
Professor Harris’ research interests include Shakespeare, including Indian adaptations,
Early Modern English Theatre, Travel Literature in the Age of Colonialism, Early Modern English Writing about India, Medieval and Early Modern Silk Road Cultures, and Global Jewish History.
Professor Harris is currently working on a book project titled Secrets of My Mother’s Tea Chest: The Jewish Silk Road from Europe to India and China (forthcoming, 2021).