Virtual Teaching
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Liebe Lehrende,
mit der folgenden strukturierten Zusammenstellung der Möglichkeiten des virtuellen Lehrens an unserer Universität wollen wir Ihnen helfen, zu entscheiden, wie Sie Ihre Veranstaltung im kommenden Semester virtuell gestalten können. Wir gehen dabei von der Perspektive des Anwendungsszenarios aus und verweisen auf dafür verfügbare Seiten und Handreichungen zu sinnvollen Werkzeugen.
Wir wollen Ihnen Lösungen anbieten, die auch einer großen Zahl von Nutzenden gewachsen ist und dabei auch didaktischen Ansprüchen gerecht wird. Dabei setzen wir auf das Prinzip, die Last möglichst zu entzerren und gleichmäßiger zu verteilen. Es gibt zum Beispiel die Möglichkeit Videos mit den Inhalten aufzuzeichnen, über den Medienserver in Stud.IP bereitzustellen und im Forum zu diskutieren statt die Vorlesungen live zu übertragen.
Um der Überlastung von DFN-Diensten entgegenzukommen, bietet die GWDG zwei weiteren Lösungen für Videokonferenzen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Seite Gesamtübersicht Web-/Videokonferenzen.
Bevor Sie sich mit den zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten vertraut machen, möchten wir Sie daher bitten, kurz zu reflektieren, welches die spezifischen Anforderungen Ihrer Veranstaltung sind.
Natürlich werden wir diese Seite kontinuierlich weiter ausbauen und aktualisieren, um offene Fragen zu beantworten. Bitte setzen Sie sich gleich ein Bookmark und schauen Sie in den kommenden Tagen und Wochen immer wieder mal vorbei.
Ihr Team für Digitales Lernen und Lehren
To provide you with further information on how to virtualize events, we created a short overview. To find your right guideline, please choose one of the following categories:
The university of Göttingen provides you with different tools to virtualize lectures impartial of your location. These solutions include possibilities of synchronous as well as asynchronous communication and cooperation with your students. By using these tools, you can choose between either a two-way communication or a one-way communication with optional interactive learning activities. We summarized your possibilities below to help you getting started with virtualizing your lectures.
Your choices
OBS-Studio is an open-source software, which you can use to pre-record your sessions with vision and sound. OBS-Studio allows you to capture your screen (e.g. presentations, software, etc.…), your camera and sound as screencasts. These recordings can be uploaded from your course to our media server, and thereby be available for students within the Stud.IP course. To allow a time-independent two-way communication/cooperation between and with your students, you have the opportunity to enable a forum for discussions as well as a Wiki on Stud.IP.
Camtasia is an open-source software, which you can use to pre-record your sessions with vision and sound. OBS-Studio allows you to capture your screen (e.g. presentations, software, etc.…), your camera and sound as screencasts. These recordings can be uploaded from your course to our media server, and thereby be available for students within the Stud.IP course. To allow a time-independent two-way communication/cooperation between and with your students, you have the opportunity to enable a forum for discussions as well as a Wiki on Stud.IP.
Camtasia is a fee-based software and due to economic reasons, a license for the entire campus is not possible. We as e-learning services posses a contract based on Volume, which offers you a discount if the software is purchased. For further information please contact
Assistance and instructions can be found here:
Assistance and instructions can be found here:
Assistance and instructions can be found here:
Assistance and instructions can be found here:
Therefore Stud.IP and ILIAS are at your disposal. You can work with interactive courseware, videos, PDF or ILIAS teaching modules and tests. Combining tools for communication and collaboration within the systems, you have everything essential for online teachings. These modules can be used subsequently to the shutdown of lecture halls, e.g. as an inverted classroom format.
Further information:
- Learning units in Stud.IP can be easily created by using the PlugIn Courseware: activatable in every Stud.IP event, it allows you to present your material well in chapters, subchapters and segments using a broad variety such as Audio-recordings, text boxes, Diagrams, PDF previews, iframe embedding (e.g. for H5P), interactive videos, group discussions etc. A good option to make materials – also time depended – available . Further information can be found here: Courseware in Stud.IP
- Learning module in ILIAS allows you to edit content in various ways and to test as an indicator on the current process of the students. The initial creation of private teaching modules comes hand in hand with a lot of work, thereby it requires a good amount of preparation an advance. The following Stud.IP event provides you with instructions and assistance: ILIAS an der Uni Göttingen in Stud.IP (Anmeldung erforderlich)
Blubber is a Stud.IP Plugin, which can be found and activated by choosing the “more”-Tab. It offers you real time communication with students, similar to chats.
A rough overview can be found here: Hilfeseiten zu Blubber -
Rocket.Chat is run by GWDG, allowing you to chat with each other. “Channels” can be created, enabling learning groups to communicate. Rocket.Chat can be used by everybody with a GWDG identifier (Coworker) or student account (student) immediately and is accessible by mobile phone as well.
For offers and help pages, please go to Rocket.Chat -
Stud.IPad can be found by choosing the tab “more” within your Stud.IP event. This integrated “etherpad” enables the simultaneous writing of texts (e.g. protocols) as well as a simple chat function.
Assistance can be found here: Stud.IPad
The Forum is automatically activated in every Stud.IP event. You can structure and apply it according to your purposes. Please notice the students, when and how often you plan to use the forum.
Weitere Ideen und Hilfestellungen finden Sie hier: Das Forum in Stud.IP -
With the newsfeed in Stud.IP you can communicate with all participants.
Further information can be found here: Stud.IP-Nachrichten -
Blubber is a Stud.IP Plugin activatable within the “more” tab every event contains. With Blubber you have the possibility to have real time communication with students, similar to a chat. Messages remain visible, which allows Blubber to be used as forum as well.
A rough overview can be found here: Hilfeseiten zu Blubber -
Interactive videos in ILIAS are videos with additionally integrated elements, such as questions, links etc. These can be used to receive feedback or to stimulate a debate.
Comprehensive information can be found here: Interaktive Videos in ILIAS
You regularly present a seminar of maybe 10-30 students, wherein you impart information throughout lectures, presentations, group work, exercises etc. Your primary choices of work are lectures by presentations of lecturers and discussions with the students. Complex digital Methods can be taught digitally, which will be added to this list later.
Your choices
Scenario: You are able to deliver an appointed lecture in an online surrounding with students and subsequently have a discussion. Each and every participant is actively contributing with video, audio and text. Via screensharing and a mutual whiteboard content can be shared and jointly outlined. Larger groups may require moderation, whereby he/she allows participants to speak and enables the correlating microphone
Web conferences You have the choice between multiple web conference systems, depending on the events' size, the required functionality and the datas' sensibility.
A overview of all systems with a short description of features and further information can be found here: Übersicht der Webkonferenzsysteme×Hinweis: Momentan kann es verstärkt zu Überlastungen kommen
Durch die zu erwartende Steigerung in der Nutzung werde die IT Systeme ab dem 22.04 erom gefordter werden. Trotz aller Anstengungen der IT wird zwangsläufig zu einigen Beinträchtigungen kommen. Wir möchten Sie herzlich bitten, folgende Hinweise zu erwägen. Die Lehre und das Lernen werden sich zwangsläufig verändern. Suchen Sie gemeinsam zwischen Lehrenden und Studierenden Wege die Lehre zu gestalten. Erwägen Sie zeitversetzte Lehre mit Videos, Text und Sprechstunden. Nutzen Sie Ihre üblichen Veranstaltungszeiten oder weichen Sie auf Randzeiten des Tages aus um Peaks zu vermeiden. Setzen Sie bei der Nutzung von Webkonferenzsystemen Zwei-Wege-Kommunikation in größeren Gruppen nur dann ein, wenn es benötigt wird.
Therefore Stud.IP and ILIAS are at your disposal. You can work with interactive courseware, videos, PDF or ILIAS teaching modules and tests. Combining tools for communication and collaboration within the systems, you have everything essential for online teachings. These modules can be used subsequently to the shutdown of lecture halls, e.g. as an inverted classroom format.
Further Information:
- Learning units in Stud.IP can be easily created by using the PlugIn Courseware: activatable in every Stud.IP event, it allows you to present your material well in chapters, subchapters and segments using a broad variety such as Audio-recordings, text boxes, Diagrams, PDF previews, iframe embedding (e.g. for H5P), interactive videos, group discussions etc. A good option to make materials – also time depended – available. Further information can be found here: Courseware in Stud.IP
- Learning modul in ILIAS allows you to edit content in various ways and to test as an indicator on the current process of the students. The initial creation of private teaching modules comes hand in hand with a lot of work, thereby it requires a good amount of preparation an advance. The following Stud.IP event provides you with instructions and assistance: ILIAS an der Uni Göttingen in Stud.IP (Anmeldung erforderlich)
Blubber is a Stud.IP Plugin, which can be found and activated by choosing the “more”-Tab. It offers you real time communication with students, similar to chats.
A rough overview can be found here: Hilfeseiten zu Blubber -
Rocket.Chat is run by GWDG, allowing you to chat with each other. “Channels” can be created, enabling learning groups to communicate. Rocket.Chat can be used by everybody with a GWDG identifier (Coworker) or student account (student) immediately and is accessible by mobile phone as well.
For offers and help pages, please go to Rocket.Chat -
Stud.IPad can be found by clicking the tab “more” within your Stud.IP event. This integrated “etherpad” enables the simultaneous writing of texts (e.g. protocols) as well as a simple chat function.
Assistance can be found here: Stud.IPad
The Forum is automatically activated in every Stud.IP event. You can structure and apply it according to your purposes. Please notice the students, when and how often you plan to use the forum.
Weitere Ideen und Hilfestellungen finden Sie hier: Das Forum in Stud.IP -
With the newsfeed in Stud.IP you can communicate with all participants.
Further information can be found here: Stud.IP-Nachrichten -
Blubber is a Stud.IP Plugin activatable within the “more” tab every event contains. With Blubber you have the possibility to have real time communication with students, similar to a chat. Messages remain visible, which allows Blubber to be used as forum as well.
A rough overview can be found here: Hilfeseiten zu Blubber -
Interactive videos in ILIAS are videos with additionally integrated elements, such as questions, links etc. These can be used to receive feedback or to stimulate a debate.
Comprehensive information can be found here: Interaktive Videos in ILIAS
If you want to run a meeting with students, colleagues, und project partners, you are able to conclude your consultation hours or project meetings online with the following solutions. First you need to know what media you want to be using during the meeting and the technical capabilities of your collocutor.
Your choices
DFNconf (up to 23 participants) – Web and video conference service of the German national research and education network. Every person, which has a GWDG account at their disposal, can create virtual meeting-rooms and by sharing the link can make it accessible to further participants (colleagues, students, etc.).
Copious information and instructions can be found here: DFNconf -
Big Blue Button (BBB) (up to 20-25 participants with video and 50 with just audio) – The web and video conference system is being hosted by the GWDG. Every person, which has a GWDG account at their disposal, can create virtual meeting-rooms. To perform conferences within the Stud.IP event, the plugin “meeting” has to be activated. Alternatively, a virtual session can be held outside of Stud.IP throughout BBB of the university of Göttingen, if the meetings are supposed to take place independently of events or external participants are planned to join.
Further information and instructions can be found here: Big Blue Button
DFNconf (bis 23 Teilnehmende) – Web-/Videokonferenzdienst des Deutschen Forschungsnetzes. Jede Person, die über einen GWDG-Account verfügt, kann virtuelle Meeting-Räume anlegen und durch Verschicken des Links zu dem Raum weitere Personen (Kolleg*innen, Studierende, Externe) zur Teilnahme an einer gemeinsamen Konferenz einladen.
Umfangreiche Informationen und Anleitungen finden Sie hier: DFNconf -
Adobe Connect (bis 200 Teilnehmende) – Web-/Videokonferenzdienst des Deutschen Forschungsnetzes. Jede Person, die über einen GWDG-Account verfügt, kann virtuelle Meeting-Räume anlegen. Hierfür kann entweder das Meetings-Plug.In in Stud.IP aktiviert werden, um Konferenzen innerhalb einer konkreten Stud.IP-Veranstaltung durchzuführen, oder eine virtuelle Sitzung außerhalb von Stud.IP über die DFN-Instanz der Uni Göttingen angelegt werden, wenn die Meetings unabhängig von einer Veranstaltung stattfinden oder Uni-Externe daran teilnehmen sollen.
Weitere Informationen und Anleitungen finden Sie hier: Adobe Connect
×Hinweis: Momentan kann es verstärkt zu Überlastungen kommen
Wegen der Covid-19-Krise greifen zurzeit viele Hochschulen auf die genannten Dienste des Deutschen Forschungsnetzes zurück, was zu deren schnellen Überlastung führt und die Durchführung von Audio-/Videokonferenzen in vielen Fällen unmöglich macht. In seiner Pressemitteilung verweist DFN darauf, dass es intensiv an dem Ausbau der Kapazitäten arbeitet, nichtdestotrotz wird erstmal von der Zwei-Wege-Kommunikation mit Audio und Video, vor allem zu den Stoßzeiten (10:00-11:00 Uhr und 13:00-15:00 Uhr) abgeraten.
- Ad-Hoc conferences from an IP-phone – hereto the conference organizer call the first participant with the IP-phone. Through the conference function found in the control panel of the phone, one participant after another can be called and hereby added to the conference.
- Cisco Jabber Softphone – herewith a conference is planned and a list of participants is being created. The participants need to be dialed at one at a time by the organizer.
- Conference Now – teleconference service owned by the university. Call 0551 39 39999 (external) respectively 39999 (internal) to access Conference Now. Every person with an IP-phone has their own personal conference room. The conference ID corresponds with the own internal phone number. To use this conference you need to set an access code onetime by using the Unified Communication-Benutzer-Portal. To join the conference, the participants need the conference number as well as the just set access code. After dialing the conference service (39999) the participants will be redirected actively through entering the conference number and access code. There is no requirement for dialing every participant by the organizer.
- Rocket.Chat – web-based messaging service by the GWDG. Every associate and student of the university of Göttingen can use this platform. Rocket.Chat
Two participants communicate directly with each other and use files, pictures and videos. You have the same possibilities as listed beneath “How can I digitalize my meetings?”. Listed here are additional choices suited for only two collocutors or possibly a small group.
Your possibilities
Cisco Jabber Softphone as SIP Telefon requirement for using the software phone by cisco is an IP-connection of the university of Göttingen. For individuals with special requirements concerning their attainability (consultation and support with home office), the activation for Cisco Jabber Softphone can be requested. Videocalls and chat for sharing messages and files is available as well. If required, your Jabba account can be established for PC or mobile phone use, useable from outside the office as well.
Instructions on how to work your way around Cisco Jabber can be found here: Technischen Gebäudemanagement
WebEx and other collaborative platforms often offer free access for single users or small groups. WebEx by Cisco is free of charge for meetings with up to three members. Login is required. Please note the privacy on each platform.
The entry page can be found here: WebEX