Recent Publications

Fierke, J., Joelsen, N. Z., Loguercio, G., Putzenlechner, B., Simon, A., Wyss, D., Kappas, M., Walentowski, H. (2024): Assessing regional uncertainties of high-resolution climate datasets through a projection of future bioclimates in the Andes of northern Patagonia. In: Regional Environmental Change 24(110):

Bantelmann, P.; Wyss, D.; Pius, ET.; and Kappas, M. (2024): Spectral imaging of grass species in arid ecosystems of Namibia. In: Frontiers of Remote Sensing 5:136855

Shipanga,V., Kappas, M., Wyss, D. (2024): The status of research on malnutrition among children under 5 years in Southern Africa: a systematic review. Int J Community Med Public Health 2024;11:363-70

Negussie, K.G., Wyss, D., Knox, N., Orti, M.V., Corral-Pazos-de-Provens, E., Kappas. M. (2022):
Evaluating SWAT Model for Streamflow Estimation in the Semi-Arid Okavango-Omatako Catchment, Namibia. In: African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16(11)

Xue, L.; Kappas, M.;Wyss, D.; Putzenlechner, B. (2022):
Assessing the Drought Variability in Northeast China over Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales.In: Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1506.

Erdanaev, E.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D. (2022):
Irrigated Crop Types Mapping in Tashkent Province of Uzbekistan with Remote Sensing-Based Classification Methods. In: Sensors 2022, 22(15), 5683

Wyss, D.; Negussie, K.; Staacke, A., Karnagel, A.; Engelhardt, M.; & Kappas, M. (2022):
A comparative analysis of MODIS-derived drought indices for Northern and Central Namibia. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology , 16(5), 173-191.

Erdanaev, E.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D. (2022):
The Identification of Irrigated Crop Types Using Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and Maximum Likelihood Classification Methods with Sentinel-2 Data in 2018: Tashkent Province, Uzbekistan. International Journal of Geoinformatics, 18(2), 37–53.

Xue, L.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D.; Wang, C.; Putzenlechner, B.; Thi, N.P.; Chen, J. (2022):
Assessment of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Development in Northeast China. In: Sensors 2022, 22, 2509.

Xue, L.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D.; Wang, C.; Putzenlechner, B. (2022):
Assessing the Drought Variability in Northeast China over Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales . In: Atmosphere 2022, 13(9), 1506.

Xu, C.; Kappas, M.; Hohnwald, S.; Wyss, D.; Lencinas, J.D.; Mohr-Bell, D. (2021):
Monitoring Forest Fire Severity using Time Series of Landsat Data - A Case study of Lago Epuyén in Patagonia, Argentina. In: GEOÖKO, Volume XLII, 5-38

Xue, Z.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D. (2021):
Spatio-Temporal Grassland Development in Inner Mongolia after Implementation of the First Comprehensive Nation-Wide Grassland Conservation Program.In: Land 2021, 10, 38.

Thi, N.P.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D. (2020):
Benefits and Constraints of the Agricultural Land Acquisition for Urbanization for Household Gender Equality in Affected Rural Communes: A Case Study in Huong Thuy Town, Thua Thien Hue Province, Vietnam. In: Land 9 (8), 249

Fiercke, J.; Kappas, M.; Wyss, D. (2020):
Quantifying forest cover at Mount Kenya: Use of Sentinel-2 for a discrimination of tropical tree composites. In: African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 14(6), pp. 159-176

Andernach, M.; Wyss, D.; Kappas, M. (2020):
An Evaluation of the Land Cover Classification Product Sentinel 2 Prototype Land Cover 20 m Map of Africa 2016 for Namibia. In: Namibian Journal of the Environment (NJE) 4 A: 1-12.

Herzberg, R.; Pham,T.G. Kappas, M.; Wyss, D.; Tran C.T.M. (2019):
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for the Land Evaluation of Potential Agricultural Land Use Types in a Hilly Area of Central Vietnam. In: Land 8(6):90

Fassnacht, S.R. Wyss, D.; Heering, S.M. (2017):
A Spatial Thinking Research-Didactic Example in Snow. In: GEOÖKO, Volume XXXVIII, 231-247

Wyss, D. (2007): Forest management in Mongolia Application of remote sensing and GIS for sustainable forest management and capacity building. Taking as an example the Khan Khentii
Special Protected Area (KKSPA). Online under:

GIS & RS Applications in Namibia: From land cover classifications to mapping of informal settlements. A selection of graduate and postgraduate research at Göttingen University.
WoPedyP ProjectWorkshop at Hochschule Karlsruhe (HKA), September 2024

Daniel Wyss, Paul Bantelmann, Martin Kappas, Helen Sophie Schmidt & Elizabeth Twitileni Pius:
Mapping and Monitoring of Grass Species in Arid Ecosystems of Namibia – A Multi-Sensor Approach
43rd EARSel Symposium 17 – 20 June 2024 Manchester, UK

Simon Grieger, Daniel Wyss, Philipp Koal, Ingolf Profft, Lajos Blume & Birgitta Putzenlechner:
Towards an automated workflow for assessing effects of forest disturbance on land surface temperature in low mountain ranges of Central Germany using GEE and the Landsat archive
Virtual Geoscience Conference (VGC) Dresden, 20.-22. September 2023

Paul Bantelmann, Daniel Wyss: HyperGrass: Spectral imaging of grass species in semi-arid ecosystems of Namibia - in search of greener pastures
41 Jahrestagung der Afrikagruppe deutscher GeowissenschaftlerInnen (AdG). 23.-24. Juni 2023

Daniel Wyss, Kaleb Negussie, Antonia Staacke, Amadé Karnagel, Malin Engelhardt, Martin Kappas: A Comparative Analysis of MODIS-derived Drought Indices for Northern and Central Namibia
At: ESA Living Planet May 2022

Einführung in QGIS - Ein benutzerfreundliches, quelloffenes Geographisches Informationssystem
digital humanities & Religionswissenschaften - akmn online workshop Feb.-Juli 2021

Towards a Drought Monitor for Namibia - A Multi-Sensor and Multi-Scale Approach
40. Jahrestagung der Afrikagruppe deutscher GeowissenschaftlerInnen (AdG). 25.-26. Juni 2021

Jonas Fiercke, Martin Kappas & Daniel Wyss: Quantifying Forest Cover at Mount Kenya: Use of Sentinel-2 for a Discrimination of Tropical Tree Composites
At: AGU Conference October 2019

Malena Andernach, Daniel Wyss and Martin Kappas: A GIS-based Comparative Analysis of Land Cover Classification Products for Namibia with Special Emphasis on the Sentinel 2 Prototype Land Cover 20 m Map of Africa 2016
At: ESA Living Planet May 2019

Martin Kappas, Katharina Rorig, Laura Stangier, Daniel Wyss (Hrsg.): Waldmonitoring in Deutschland. ibidem Verlag, 2023, ISBN: 978-3-8382-1729-1