In publica commoda

What do I do, when I have lost my Student ID card or it's broken?

If you lose your chip card call the Call Center of Georg-August-Universität Göttingen immediately at 0049 551 39-20000. Be prepared to state your name, date of birth, your Faculty and student ID number. Your card will forthwith be blocked. It loses its functions.

In case your chip card is lost or broken, go to the in the Office of Student Affairs (Wilhelmsplatz 4) and bring your ID or your passport (and the defective card) to get a new chip card.
The Office of Student Affairs is available at these opening hours.

Please note: For the replacement card, eight euros in cash are to be paid on site.

If you are currently unable to come to Göttingen and need a replacement student ID card for urgent reasons, please make sure to update your contact details and address(es) in the self-service portal in eCampus.

Afterwards please transfer eight euros to the following bank account, including your first and last name, and matriculation number, along with the keyword „Ersatzkarte“ (replacement card) in the transaction note:

Recipient: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Financial Institution: Nord/LB Hannover

IBAN: DE 57 2505 0000 0199 9537 04


Then send an email from your student email account (other sources will not be considered for security reasons) Please include a photo of yourself, as described below, and be sure to include the following information:

First and last name, as stated on your official identity card (such as your passport)
student ID number, also known as matriculation number (Matrikelnummer)
Home mailing address, where the ID card can be sent securely
A digital portrait photo (3:4 portrait format, colour JPG, smaller than 1 MB, if possible, and with a monochromatic background, if possible).

After receipt of your email and verification of your data, the replacement card will be sent to the address provided. Please understand that this may take some time, due to increased demand.

If you had remaining credit on your old card, this site has information on how to transfer it. (Scroll down to English part.)