Questionnaire (for PhD students) Statistical Consulting for PhD studentsPlease avoid abbreviations! Even statistical ones!Have you received statistical consultation before? If so when?Name:Email:Telephone number:From which university did you receive your Master's degree?GenderBitte wählenMaleFemaleprefer not to specifyGraduate SchoolBitte wählenGAUSSGFAGGGGSGGFacultyBitte wählenFaculty of Biology and PsychologyFaculty of Agricultural SciencesFaculty of Forest Sciences and Forest EcologyFaculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences Faculty of Geoscience and GeographyFaculty of PhysicsFaculty of ChemistryFaculty of Economic Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences Faculty of HumanitiesFaculty of LawFaculty of TheologyMedical CenterOrganisational Unit below Faculty Level (e.g. Georg-Elias-Müller Institut für Psychologie, Deparment für VWL, Finnisch-Ugrisches Seminar):Field of study:Thesis supervisor:Title of dissertation OR Title of paper projectStage of DissertationBitte wählenat the beginningin the middletowards the endNon-technical summary of thesis OR paper in one sentenceWhat kind of data do you use?Describe key aspects of your datasample size, number of covariates, primary data or secondary data (i.e. did you collect the data yourself?)Key variables of interestWhich statistical analyses have you done so far? What statistical methods are you planning to use and why?Do you use specific statistical software? If yes, which one and how much experience do you have with it?Please explain your specific question for the consultation.Other comments / things to notePlease state a desired consulting date ( state a desired consulting timePreferred language of communicationBitte wählenEnglishGermanMit dem Absenden dieses Formulars bestätigen Sie, dass Sie unsere Datenschutzerklärung gelesen haben und akzeptieren.