Veröffentlichungen der Funktionellen Agrobiodiversität & Agrarökologie
Alle Veröffentlichungen der Arbeitsgruppen Catrin Westphal und Teja Tscharntke / All publications from the labs of Catrin Westphal and Teja Tscharntke
Huber, J. M., Hoffmann, S., Schüler, S., Lakner, S., Koch, M., Westphal, C., Hass, A. L., Plieninger, T. (2025). Farmer Motivation to Participate in Cooperative Agri-Environmental and Climate Measures. Earth Stewardship
Gorris, P., Bodin, Ö., Giralt D., Hass, A.L., Reitalu, T., Cabodevilla, X., Hannappel, I., Helm, A., Prangel, E. & Westphal, C. (2025). Social-ecological perspective on European semi-natural grassland conservation and restoration: Key challenges and future pathways. Biological Conservation
Aycart-Lazo, P., Ivanez-Ballestores, B., Ocampo-Ariza, C., Wessely, J., Dullinger, S., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Thomas, E., Tscharntke, T., Maas, B. (2025) Landscape context influences local management effects on birds and bats in Amazonian cacao agroforestry systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment
Li, J., Olhnuud, A., Tscharntke, T., Wang, M., Wu, P., Xu, H., & Liu, Y. (2025). Honeybees interfere with wild bees in apple pollination in China. Journal of Applied Ecology
Lander, T.A., Atta-Boateng, A., Toledo-Hernández, M. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2025). Global chocolate supply is limited by low pollination and high temperatures. Communications Earth & Environment
Lanuza, J.B., Knight, T.M., Montes-Perez, N., Glenny, W. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2025). EuPPollNet: A European Database of Plant-Pollinator Networks. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Schüler, S., Arimond, I., Hass, A., Koch, M., Huber, J. M., Ruwisch, V., Bartens, M., Plieninger, T., & Westphal, C. (2025). Initiating agri-environmental collaboration at landscape scale requires bridging structures, regional facilitators and addressing the expectations of actors. People and Nature
Ocampo-Ariza, C., Müller, S., Yovera, F., Thomas, E., Vansynghel, J., Maas, B., Steffan-Dewenter, I., & Tscharntke, T. (2025). Cacao grafting increases crop yield without compromising biodiversity. Journal of Applied Ecology.
Fijen, T.P.M., Eeraerts, M., Osterman, J., Beyer, N., Hass, A., Lundin, O. & Westphal, C. (2025). Crop diversification for pollinator conservation. Landscape Ecology.
Tsang, T.P.N., De Santis, A.A.A., Armas-Quiñonez, G. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2025). Land Use Change Consistently Reduces α-But Not β-and γ-Diversity of Bees. Global Change Biology.
Ferrante, M., Kirsch, F. & Westphal, C. (2025). Stable pollinator communities in different white clover populations suggest potential win-win scenarios for crop yield and biodiversity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 378, 109295.
2024Fan, S., Newbold, T., Tscharntke, T., Tang, W., Yu, Z., Liu, Y. (2024). Impact of Crop Type on Biodiversity Globally. Global Change Biology.
Farwig, N., Sprenger, P.P., Baur, B. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Identifying Major Factors for Success and Failure of Conservation Programs in Europe. Environmental Management,
Guerrero, I., Duque, D., Oñate, J.J. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Agricultural intensification affects birds' trait diversity across Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology,
Rajaonarimalala, R., Korol, Y., Andrianarimisa, A. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Complex stands in forested tropical landscapes harbor more endemic biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Global Ecology and Conservation,
Tscharntke, T., Ocampo-Ariza, C., Kämper, W. (2024) Pollinator, pollen, and cultivar identity drive crop quality. Trends in Plant Science,
Kirsch, F., Hass, A., Alfert, T. & Westphal, C. (2024) Landscape diversity, habitat connectivity, age and size determine the conservation value of limestone quarries for diverse wild bee communities. Journal of Applied Ecology,
Anders, M., Westphal, C., Linden, V.M.G., Weier, S., Taylor, P.J. & Grass, I. (2024) Complementary effects of pollination and biocontrol services enable ecological intensification in macadamia orchards. Ecological Applications, e3049.
Pluta, P., Czechofsky, K., Hass, A., Frank, L., Westerhoff, A., Klingenberg, H. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2024) Organic farming and annual flower strips reduce parasite prevalence in honeybees and boost colony growth in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology,
Librán-Embid, F., Grass, I, Emer, C., Alarcón-Segura, V., Behling, H., Biagioni, S., Ganuza, C., Herrera-Krings, C., Setyaningsih, C.A., Tscharntke T. (2024) Flower–bee versus pollen–bee metanetworks in fragmented landscapes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Ocampo-Ariza, C., Hanf-Dressler, T., Maas, B., Novoa-Cova, J., Thomas, E., Vansynghel, J., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Tscharntke, T. (2024) Regional differences of functional and taxonomic bird diversity in tropical agroforests of Peru. Conservation Science and Practice
Tscharntke, T., Batáry, P., Grass, I. (2024) Mixing on- and off-field measures for biodiversity conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Raveloaritiana, E., Tscharntke, T., Martin, D. A., Wurz, A., Osen, K., Soazafy, M. R., Vorontsova, M. S., Kreft, H., Rakouth, B., Grass, I. (2024) Land-use intensity and relatedness to native plants promote exotic plant invasion in a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Journal of Applied Ecology 2664.14657
Wenzel, A., Westphal, C. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Balancing economic and ecological functions in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Rasmussen, L.V. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture. Science, Vol. 384, No. 6691
Trueman, S.J. et al. (incl. Kämper, W.) (2024) High Outcrossing Levels among Global Macadamia Cultivars: Implications for Nut Quality, Orchard Designs and Pollinator Management. Horticulturae
Potapov, A.M. et al. (incl. Darras, K., Wenzel, A., Janotta, N., Westphal, C., Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs. Nature
Priyadarshana, T.S. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Crop and landscape heterogeneity increase biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: A global review and meta-analysis. Ecology Letters, J., Loos, J., Ferrante, M., Mußhoff, O., Tscharntke, T. (2024) Mixed farmers' perception of the ecological-economic performance of diversified farming. Ecological Economics
Kernecker M., Felipe-Lucia M., Westphal C. & Hass A. (2024) Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural systems: field to landscape-scale management for biodiversity-yield synergies. Basic and Applied Ecology
Ferrante, M., Schulze, M., Westphal, C. (2024) Hedgerows can increase predation rates in wheat fields in homogeneous agricultural landscapes. Journal of Environmental Management
Riggi, L.G.A. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2024) Early-season mass-flowering crop cover dilutes wild bee abundance and species richness in temperate regions: A quantitative synthesis. Journal of Applied Ecology,
Boetzl, F.A. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Distance functions of carabids in crop fields depend on functional traits, crop type and adjacent habitat: a synthesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society
Klaus, F., Ayasse, M., Classen, A. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T.) (2024) Improving wild bee monitoring, sampling methods, and conservation. Basic and Applied Ecology
Zemp, D.C. et al. (incl. Arimond, I., Tscharntke, T.) (2023). Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes. Nature 618, 316–321.
Schlund M., Wenzel A. Camarretta N., Stiegler C. & Erasmi S. (2023). Vegetation canopy height estimation in dynamic tropical landscapes with TanDEM-X supported by GEDI data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1639-1656,
Marcacci, G., Westphal, C., Rao, V.S., Kumar S., S., Tharini, K.B., Belavadi, V.V. et al. (2023) Urbanization alters the spatiotemporal dynamics of plant–pollinator networks in a tropical megacity. Ecology Letters, 00, 1–12.ämper, W., Nichols, J., Tran, T.D., Burwell, C.J., Byrnes, S., Trueman, S.J. (2023) Flower Visitors, Levels of Cross-Fertilisation, and Pollen-Parent Effects on Fruit Quality in Mango Orchards. Agronomy 2023, 13, 2568.
Marcacci, G., Devy, S., Wenzel, A., Rao, V.S., Kumar S., S., Nölke, N., Belavadi, V.V., Tscharntke, T., Grass, I. & Westphal, C. (2023). Direct and indirect effects of urbanization, pesticides and wild insect pollinators on mango yield. Journal of Applied Ecology,
Bouarakia O., Anders M., Linden V.M.G., Grass I., Westphal C., Taylor P.J. & Foord S.H. (2023). Reduced macadamia nut quality is linked to wetter growing seasons but mitigated at higher elevations. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 12, 100569,
Hapuarachchi, N.S., Trueman, S.J., Kämper, W., Farrar, M.B., Wallace, H.M., Nichols, J., Bai, S.H. (2023). Hyperspectral Imaging of Adaxial and Abaxial Leaf Surfaces for Rapid Assessment of Foliar Nutrient Concentrations in Hass Avocado. Remote Sens,
Vansynghel, J., Thomas, E., Ocampo Ariza, C., Maas, B., Ulloque-Samatelo, C., Zhang, D., Tscharntke, T., Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2023). Cross-pollination with native genotypes improves fruit set and yield quality of Peruvian cacao. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 357, 108671.
Wenzel, A., Grass, I., Raj, V., Nölke, N., Subramanya, S., Tscharntke, T., (2023). High losses of farmland birds and potential biocontrol along an urbanization gradient in a tropical megacity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 354, 108571.
Iddris, N.A.-A. et al. (incl. Wenzel, A., Tscharntke, T.) (2023). Mechanical weeding enhances ecosystem multifunctionality and profit in industrial oil palm. Nature Sustainability 1–13.
Ocampo Ariza, C., Vansynghel, J., Bertleff, D., Maas, B., Schumacher, N., Ulloque-Samatelo, C., Yovera, F.Y., Thomas, E., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Tscharntke, T. (2023). Birds and bats enhance cacao yield despite suppressing arthropod mesopredation. Ecological Applications,
Mphethe V., Weier S., Westphal C., Linden B., Swanepoel L., Parker D. & Taylor P. (2023). Epauletted fruit bats prefer native plants and contribute to seed dispersal in a South African agricultural landscape. African Journal of Ecology,
Anders, M., Grass, I., Linden, V. M. G., Taylor, P. J., Westphal C. (2023). Smart orchard design improves crop pollination. Journal of applied Ecology,
Ocampo-Ariza, C. et al. (incl. Anders, M., Arimond, I., Marcacci, G., Tscharntke, T., Westphal C.) (2023). Global South leadership towards inclusive tropical ecology and conservation. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation
Neyret M., Peter S. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2023). Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity. Nature Sustainability
Kirsch, F., Hass, A. L., Link, W., Westphal, C., (2023). Intercrops as foraging habitats for bees: Bees do not prefer sole legume crops over legume-cereal mixtures. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Vol. 343, 28 February 2023, 108268
Tscharntke T., Grass I., Wanger T.C., Westphal C. & Batáry P. (2022). Prioritise the most effective measures for biodiversity-friendly agriculture. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Tscharntke, T., Ocampo-Ariza, C., Vansynghel, J., Ivañez-Ballesteros, B., Aycart, P., Rodriguez, L., Ramirez, M., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Maas, B., Thomas, E. (2022). Socio-ecological benefits of fine-flavor cacao in its center of origin. Conservation Letters
Le Provost, G., Schenk, N.V., Penone, C., Thiele, J., Westphal, C. et al. (2022). The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Vansynghel, J., Ocampo-Ariza, C., Maas, B., Martin, E. A., Thomas, E., Hanf-Dressler, T., Schumacher, N.-C., Ulloque-Samatelo, C. , Fredy F., Yovera, F. F., Tscharntke, T., Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2022). Quantifying services and disservices provided by insects and vertebrates in cacao agroforestry landscapes Royal Society Publishing, Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20221309,
Gardein, H., Fabian, Y., Westphal, C., Tscharntke, T., Hass, A. (2022). Ground-nesting bees prefer bare ground areas on calcareous grasslands. Global Ecology and Conservation, e02289
Olhnuud, A., Liu, Y., Makowski, D., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C., Wu, P., Wang, M., van der Werf, W. (2022). Pollination deficits and contributions of pollinators in apple production: A global meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 0, 1–11.
Steinhübel, L., Wenzel, A., Hulamani, P., von Cramon-Taubadel, S., Mason, N.M., (2022). Effects of local farm management on wild bees through temporal and spatial spillovers: evidence from Southern India. Landscape Ecology,
Marcacci, G., Grass, I., Rao, V. S., Kumar, S. S., Tharini, K. B., Belavadi, V., Nölke, N., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C. (2022). Functional Diversity of Farmland Bees across Rural–Urban Landscapes in a Tropical Megacity. Ecological Applications e2699.
Beyer, N., Gabriel, D., Westphal, C. (2022). Landscape composition modifies pollinator densities, foraging behavior and yield formation in faba beans. Basic and Applied Ecology 61, 30-40,
Schlund, M., Wenzel, A., Camarretta, N., Stiegler, C., Erasmi, S., (2022). Vegetation canopy height estimation in dynamic tropical landscapes with TanDEM-X supported by GEDI data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
Vansynghel, J., Ocampo-Ariza, C., Maas, B., Martin, E. A. , Thomas, E., Hanf-Dressler, T., Schumacher, N.-C., Ulloque-Samatelo, C., Tscharntke, T., Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2022). Cacao flower visitation: Low pollen deposition, low fruit set and dominance of herbivores. Ecological Solutions and Evidence,
Herrera Krings, C., Darras, K., Hass, A., Batáry, P., Fabian, Y. (2022). Not only hedgerows, but also flower fields can enhance bat activity in intensively used agricultural landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology 63, 1-13,
Wenzel, A., Grass, I., Nölke, N., Pannure, A., Tscharntke, T., (2022). Wild bees benefit from low urbanization levels and suffer from pesticides in a tropical megacity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 336, 108019.
Carneiro de Melo Moura, C., Setyaningsih, C.A., Li, K., Merk, M.S., Schulze, S., Raffiudin, R., Grass, I., Behling, H., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C. & Gailing, O. (2022). Biomonitoring via DNA metabarcoding and light microscopy of bee pollen in rainforest transformation landscapes of Sumatra. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 22, 51.
Marcacci, G., Gremion, J., Mazenauer, J., Sori, T., Kebede, F., Ewnetu, M., Christe, P., Arlettaz, R. & Jacot, A. (2022). High semi-natural vegetation cover and heterogeneity of field sizes promote bird beta-diversity at larger scales in Ethiopian Highlands. Journal of Applied Ecology, 00, 1–12.
Müller, S., Gossner, M.M., Penone, C., Jung, K., Renner, S.C., Farina, A., Anhäuser, L., Ayasse, M., Boch, S., Haensel, F., Heitzmann, J., Kleinn, C., Magdon, P., Perović, D.J., Pieretti, N., Shaw, T., Steckel, J., Tschapka, M., Vogt, J., Westphal, C. & Scherer- Lorenzen, M. (2022). Land-use intensity and landscape structure drive the acoustic composition of grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 328, 107845.
Neyret, M., Fischer, M., Allan, E., Hölzel, N., Klaus, V.H., Kleinebecker, T., Krauss, J., Le Provost, G., Peter, S., Schenk, N., Simons, N.K., van der Plas, F., Binkenstein, J., Börschig, C., Jung, K., Prati, D., Schäfer, D., Schäfer, M., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., Tschapka, M., Westphal, C. & Manning, P. (2022). Assessing the impact of grassland management on landscape multifunctionality. Ecosystem Services, 52, 101366.
Tscharntke, T., Grass, I., Wanger, T.C., Westphal, C. & Batáry, P. (2022). Restoring biodiversity needs more than reducing pesticides. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 37, 115-116.
Scherreiks, P. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2022). Present and historical landscape structure shapes current species richness in Central European grasslands. Landscape Ecology,
Schweiger, S., Beyer, N., Hass, A. L., Westphal, C. (2022). Pollen and landscape diversity as well as wax moth depredation determine reproductive success of bumblebees in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 326, 10778,
Perović, D.J., Gámez-Virués, S., Landis, D.A., Tscharntke, T., Zalucki, M.P., Saura, S., Furlong, M.J., Desneux, N., Sciarretta, A., Balkenhol, N., Schmidt, J.M., Trematerra, P. & Westphal, C. (2021). Chapter Three - Broadening the scope of empirical studies to answer persistent questions in landscape-moderated effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Advances in Ecological Research (eds. Bohan, D.A., Dumbrell, A.J. & Vanbergen, A.J.). Academic Press, pp. 109-131.
Camarretta, N., Ehbrecht, M., Seidel, D., Wenzel, A., Zuhdi, M., Merk, M.S., Schlund, M., Erasmi, S., Knohl, A. (2021). Using Airborne Laser Scanning to Characterize Land-Use Systems in a Tropical Landscape Based on Vegetation Structural Metrics. Remote Sensing 13, 4794.
Herbertson et al. (incl. Hass, A.L.) (2021). Bees increase seed set of wild plants while the proportion of arable land has variable effects on pollination in European agricultural landscapes, Plant Ecology and Evolution. Plant, Ecology and Evolution, Vol 154, No 3,
Gremion, G., Marcacci, G., Mazenauer, J., Sori, T., Kebede, F., Ewnetu, M., Christe, P., Arlettaz, R., & Jacot, A. (2021). Habitat preferences of the Ortolan Bunting (Emberiza hortulana) in its prime wintering grounds, the cereal-dominated Ethiopian Highlands. Ibis,
Marcacci, G., Westphal, C., Wenzel, A., Raj, V., Nölke, N., Tscharntke, T., & Grass, I. (2021). Taxonomic and functional homogenization of farmland birds along an urbanization gradient in a tropical megacity. Global Change Biology,
Tscharntke, T., Grass, I., Wanger, T.C., Westphal, C. (2021). Beyond organic farming – harnessing biodiversity-friendly landscapes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution,
Beyer, N., Gabriel, D., Westphal, C. (2021). Contrasting effects of past and present mass-flowering crop cultivation on bee pollinators shaping yield components in oilseed rape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 319, 107537,
Beyer, N., Kirsch, F., Gabriel, D., Westphal, C. (2021). Identity of mass-flowering crops moderates functional trait composition of pollinator communities Landscape Ecology,
Hutchinson, L.A. et al. (incl. Brünjes, L., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2021). Using ecological and field survey data to establish a national list of the wild bee pollinators of crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 315, 107447.
Rötter, R.P. et al. (incl. Westphal, C., Anders, M.) (2021). Modeling the multi-functionality of African savanna landscapes under global change. Land Degradation & Development, 32, 2077-2081.
Fried, O., Westphal, C., Schellenberg, J., Grescho, V., Kühn, I., Van Sinh, N., Settele, J. & Bergmeier, E. (2021). Vascular plant species diversity in Southeast Asian rice ecosystems is determined by climate and soil conditions as well as the proximity of non-paddy habitats. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 314, 107346.
Senapathi, al. (incl. Bänsch, S., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.)(2021). Wild insect diversity increases inter-annual stability in global crop pollinator communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288, 20210212.
Piko, J., Keller, A., Geppert, C., Batáry, P., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C. & Hass, A.L. (2021). Effects of three flower field types on bumblebees and their pollen diets. Basic and Applied Ecology.
Wu, P., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C., Wang, M., Olhnuud, A., Xu, H. et al. (2021). Bee abundance and soil nitrogen availability interactively modulate apple quality and quantity in intensive agricultural landscapes of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 305, 107168,
Bänsch, S., Tscharntke, T., Wünschiers, R., Netter, L., Brenig, B., Gabriel, D., Westphal, C. (2020). Using ITS2 metabarcoding and microscopy to analyse shifts in pollen diets of honey bees and bumble bees along a mass‐flowering crop gradient. Molecular Ecology. 2020;00:1–16,
Beyer, N., Gabriel, D., Kirsch, F., Schulz-Kersting, K., Dauber, J., Westphal, C. (2020). Functional groups of wild bees respond differently to faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivation at landscape scale Journal of Applied Ecology,
Leidenfrost, R.M., Bänsch, S., Prudnikow, L., Brenig, B., Westphal, C.& Wünschiers, R. (2020). Analyzing the Dietary Diary of Bumble Bee. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11.
Harvey, A. J., Heinen, R., Armbrecht, I. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2020). International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery Nature Ecology & Evolution, doi:10.1038/s41559-019-1079-8
Bänsch, S., Tscharntke, T., Ratnieks, F.L.W., Härtel, S., Westphal, C. (2020). Foraging of honey bees in agricultural landscapes with changing patterns of flower resources Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 291, 106792,
Geppert, C., Hass, A. L., Földesi, R., Donkó, B., Akter, A., Tscharntke, T., and Batáry, P. (2020). Agri-environment schemes enhance pollinator richness and abundance but bumblebee reproduction depends on field size. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:1818–1828,
Alignier, A., et al. (incl. Hass, A., T. Tscharntke) (2020). Configurational crop heterogeneity increases within-field plant diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology 57:654–663,
Marcacci, G., Gremion, J., Mazenauer, J., Sori, T., Kebede, F., Ewnetu, M., Christe, P., Arlettaz, R., Jacot, A. (2019) Large-scale versus small-scale agriculture: Disentangling the relative effects of the farming system and semi-natural habitats on birds’ habitat preferences in the Ethiopian highlands, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment Volume 289, 106737,
Dainese, M., Martin, E.A., Aizen, M.A., Albrecht, M., Bartomeus, I., Bommarco, R. et al. (including Tscharntke, T., Baensch, S., Westphal, C.) (2019) A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Science Advances, 5, eaax0121, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aax0121
Wu, P., Axmacher, J.C., Li, X., Song, X., Yu, Z., Xu, H., Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C., Liu, Y. (2019) Contrasting effects of natural shrubland and plantation forests on bee assemblages at neighboring apple orchards in Beijing, China, Biological Conservation, Volume 237, September 2019, Pages 456-462
Neff, F., Blüthgen, N., Chisté, M.N., Simons., N.K., Steckel, J., Weisser, W.W., Westphal, C., Pellissier, L., Gossner, M.M. (2019) Cross-scale effects of land use on the functional composition of herbivorous insect communities, Landscape Ecology, August 2019, Volume 34, Issue 8, pp 2001–2015,
Grass, I., Loos, J., Baensch, S., Batáry, P., Librán‐Embid, F., Ficiciyan, A., Klaus, F., Riechers, M., Rosa, J., Tiede, J., Udy, K., Westphal, C., Wurz, A., Tscharntke, T. (2019) Land-sharing/-sparing connectivity landscapes for ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. People and Nature, 0
Castle, D., Grass, I. & Westphal, C. (2019) Fruit quantity and quality of strawberries benefit from enhanced pollinator abundance at hedgerows in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 275, 14-22.
van der Plas, F., Allan, E., Fischer, M., Alt, F. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2019) Towards the development of general rules describing landscape heterogeneity-multifunctionality relationships. Journal of Applied Ecology,
Sirami, C. et al. (incl. Hass, A., Tscharntke, T.) ( 2019). Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:16442–16447,
Hass, A. L., Brachmann, L., Batáry, P., Clough, Y., Behling, H. and Tscharntke, T. (2019) Maize-dominated landscapes reduce bumblebee colony growth through pollen diversity loss. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:294–304,
Settele, J., Heong, K.L. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2018) Rice ecosystem services in South-east Asia. Paddy and Water Environment, 16, 211-224.
Wietzke, A., Westphal, C., Gras, P., Kraft, M., Pfohl, K., Karlovsky, P., Pawelzik, E., Tscharntke, T. & Smit, I. (2018) Insect pollination as a key factor for strawberry physiology and marketable fruit quality. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 258, 197-204.
Grass, I., Bohle, V., Tscharntke, T. & Westphal, C. (2018) How plant reproductive success is determined by the interplay of antagonists and mutualists. Ecosphere, 9, 2
Sann, C., Theodorou, P., Heong, K.L., Villareal, S., Settele, J., Vidal, S. & Westphal, C. (2018) Hopper parasitoids do not significantly benefit from non-crop habitats in rice production landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 254, 224-232.
Hass, A.L., Liese, B., Heong, K.L., Settele, J., Tscharntke, T. & Westphal, C. (2018) Plant-pollinator interactions and bee functional diversity are driven by agroforests in rice-dominated landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 253, 140-147.
Marzinzig B., Brünjes L., Biagioni S., Behling H., Link W. & Westphal C. (2018). Bee pollinators of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) differ in their foraging behaviour and pollination efficiency. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 264, 24-33.
Spangenberg J.H., Beaurepaire A.L. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2018). The LEGATO cross-disciplinary integrated ecosystem service research framework: an example of integrating research results from the analysis of global change impacts and the social, cultural and economic system dynamics of irrigated rice production. Paddy and Water Environment, 16, 287-319.
Herbst, C., Arnold-Schwandner, S., Meiners, T., Peters, M.K., Rothenwöhrer, C., Steckel, J., Wäschke, N., Westphal, C. & Obermaier, E. (2017) Direct and indirect effects of agricultural intensification on a host-parasitoid system on the ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) in a landscape context. Landscape Ecology, 32, 2015-2028.
Schrader, J., Franzén, M., Sattler, C., Ferderer, P., Westphal, C. (2017) Woody habitats promote pollinators and complexity of plant–pollinator interactions in homegardens located in rice terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras. Paddy and Water Environment, Volume 16, pages 253–263
Hudson, L.N. et al. (incl.Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2017) The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 145-188.
Gossner, M.M. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2016) Land-use intensification causes multitrophic homogenization of grassland communities. Nature, 540, 266-269.
Schlinkert, H., Westphal, C., Clough, Y., Grass, I., Helmerichs, J., Tscharntke, T. (2016) Plant size affects mutualistic and antagonistic interactions and reproductive success across 21 Brassicaceae species. Ecosphere, 7, e01529-n/a.
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Soliveres, S. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2016) Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 371.
Westphal, C., Vidal, S., Horgan, F.G., Gurr, G.M., Escalada, M., Van Chien, H., Tscharntke, T., Heong, K.L., Settele, J. (2015) Promoting multiple ecosystem services with flower strips and participatory approaches in rice production landscapes. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16, 681-689
Settele, J. et al. (incl. Westphal, C.) (2015) Agricultural landscapes and ecosystem services in South-East Asia - the LEGATO-Project. Basic and Applied Ecology, 16, 661-664
Gámez-Virués, S. et al. (incl. Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C.) (2015) Landscape simplification filters species traits and drives biotic homogenization. Nature Communications, 6, 8568
Schlinkert, H., Westphal, C., Clough, Y., Laszlo, Z., Ludwig, M., Tscharntke, T. (2015) Plant Size as Determinant of Species Richness of Herbivores, Natural Enemies and Pollinators across 21 Brassicaceae Species. PLoS One, 10
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Schlinkert, H., Westphal, C., Clough, Y., Ludwig, M., Kabouw, P., Tscharntke, T. (2015). Feeding damage to plants increases with plant size across 21 Brassicaceae species. Oecologia, 1-12.
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Bartomeus, I., Potts, S.G., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Vaissiere, B.E., Woyciechowski, M., Krewenka, K.M., Tscheulin, T., Roberts, S.P.M., Szentgyorgyi, H., Westphal, C. & Bommarco, R. (2014). Contribution of insect pollinators to crop yield and quality varies with agricultural intensification. PeerJ, 2, e328-e328.
Klatt, B., Klaus, F., Westphal, C. & Tscharntke, T. (2014).Enhancing crop shelf life with pollination. Agriculture & Food Security, 3, 14.
Klatt, B.K., Holzschuh, A., Westphal, C., Clough, Y., Smit, I., Pawelzik, E. & Tscharntke, T. (2014). Bee pollination improves crop quality, shelf life and commercial value. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281, 1471-2954.
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Steckel, J., Westphal, C., Peters, M.K., Bellach, M., Rothenwoehrer, C., Erasmi, S., Scherber, C., Tscharntke, T. & Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2014). Landscape composition and configuration differently affect trap-nesting bees, wasps and their antagonists. Biological Conservation, 172, 56-64.
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Klatt, B.K., Burmeister, C., Westphal, C., Tscharntke, T. & von Fragstein, M. (2013). Flower volatiles, crop varieties and bee responses. PLoS One, 8.
Tscharntke, T., Tylianakis, J.M., Rand, T.A., Didham, R.K., Fahrig, L., Batary, P., Bengtsson, J., Clough, Y., Crist, T.O., Dormann, C.F., Ewers, R.M., Frund, J., Holt, R.D., Holzschuh, A., Klein, A.M., Kleijn, D., Kremen, C., Landis, D.A., Laurance, W., Lindenmayer, D., Scherber, C., Sodhi, N., Steffan-Dewenter, I., Thies, C., van der Putten, W.H. & Westphal, C. (2012). Landscape moderation of biodiversity patterns and processes - eight hypotheses. Biological Reviews, 87, 661-685.
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Weier, S.M., Bringhenti, T., Anders, M., Abdulai, I., Foord, S., Grass, I., Lam, Q.D., Linden, V.M.G., Rötter, R.P., Westphal C. & Taylor, P.J. (2024). Management Options for Macadamia Orchards with Special Focus on Water Management and Ecosystem Services. In: Sustainability of Southern African Ecosystems under Global Change: Science for Management and Policy Interventions Springer International Publishing Cham, pp. 625-652.
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Grass, I.,Wenzel, A., Raj, V., Subramanya, S., Westphal, C. & Tscharntke, T. (2021). Biodiversity of Birds Along the Rural–Urban Interface of the Indian Megacity Bengaluru. In: The Rural-Urban Interface: An Interdisciplinary Research Approach to Urbanisation Processes Around the Indian Megacity Bengaluru (eds. Hoffmann, E., Buerkert, A., von Cramon-Taubadel, S., Umesh, K.B., Pethandlahalli Shivaraj, P. & Vazhacharickal, P.J.). Springer International Publishing Cham, pp. 163-170.
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Loos, J., Batáry, P., Grass, I., Westphal, C., Bänsch, S., Baillod, A.B., Hass, A.L., Rosa, J., Tscharntke, T. (2019) Vulnerability of Ecosystem Services in Farmland Depends on Landscape Management. In: Atlas of Ecosystem Services: Drivers, Risks, and Societal Responses (eds. Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R. & Baessler, C.). Springer International Publishing Cham, pp. 91-96.
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Westphal, C., Bommarco, R., Carré, G., Lamborn, E., Morison, N., Petanidou, T., Potts, S.G., Roberts, S.P.M., Szentgyörgyi, H., Tscheulin, T., Vaissiére, B.E., Woyciechowski, M., Biesmeijer, J.C., Kunin, W.E., Settele, J. & Steffan-Dewenter, I. (2010). Methods to quantify pollinator loss. In: ALARM Atlas (ed. Settele, J). PENSOFT Publishers Sofia, Bulgaria.
Anders M., Westphal C. & Grass I. (2024). Boosting Macadamia Nut Production Sustainably Through Smart Orchard Design. Nutfruit. INC International Nut & Dried Fruit, Reus, Spain, pp. 25-26. PDF (also view
Tagungsband zur 68. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V., Göttingen, 24.03.2021. Online Tagung veranstaltet von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V., Herausgeber: Simone Pfeiffer (Zentrum für Biodiversität und Nachhaltige Landnutzung) und Catrin Westphal (Funktionelle Agrobiodiversität), Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.