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Documents and Forms for Supervisors
Guidelines on the prerequisites for examination accreditation (English , German ).Application for individual examination accreditation (Einzelprüfungsberechtigung)
- Application form for individual examination accreditation as word-file (German , English )
- Short version of the application as word-file (German , English )
The short version of the application for individual examination accreditation can be used if a full application for individual examination accreditation has been approved in the past. Only in these cases the deciding panel has already access to the required information. The short version can also be used for persons with a general examination accreditation in other programs or full professors of other universities.
Application for general examination accreditation (allgemeine Prüfungsberechtigung)
Information leaflets
- Guidelines on the prerequisites for examination accreditation (English , German ).
- Information on Supervision and Examination (English , German )
- Rules of Good Practice for Doctoral Supervision (English , German )
- Orientation Framework for Good Scientific Practice (English , German )
- Regulations regarding good scientific practice of the University of Göttingen (English , German )
- Research data policy of the Georg-August University Göttingen including the UMG (English, German)
- SUB restriction notice for thesis publication (.docx or .pdf )
- GAUSS Regulations (GAUSS-O) as of August 2018 (German)
- Doctoral degree regulations (RerNat-O) valid since April 2018 (German)
- English translation of the doctoral degree regulations (RerNat-O) valid since April 2018 (Feb 2024)