Project A04 -
Controlling surface energy dissipation via tailored interface properties
PIs: Prof. Alec Wodtke, Prof. Sven Schneider, Dr. Oliver Bünermann
A04 Controlling surface energy dissipation via tailored interface properties (Bünermann, Schneider, Wodtke)Controlling surface energy dissipation via tailored interface properties
PIs: Prof. Alec Wodtke, Prof. Sven Schneider, Dr. Oliver Bünermann
In this project we use atomic level chemical design methods, e.g. atomic layer deposition, to produce metal thin films, with well-defined, but complex structure. Energy transfer processes between molecules and these designed interface solids will be studied using molecular beam surface scattering methods. We will explore how the structure of the interface influences the function of energy transfer between a molecule and a solid. Through chemical design we intend to manipulate both the phononic and electronic spectra of metal thin films with the goal of gaining control over energy transfer processes.

Fig.1: New tool for tailored materials: Atomic Layer Deposition in the Inorganic Chemistry Department

Fig. 2: In a molecule surface scattering event energy conversion processes are one important factor that determine the fate of the molecule.